what do I do to get the "The Saucemaker" achievement??
I even tried searching elsewhere but I still have no idea how to get it
I don't know if it matters but I'm on chapter 5
What's on your mind?
what do I do to get the "The Saucemaker" achievement??
I even tried searching elsewhere but I still have no idea how to get it
I don't know if it matters but I'm on chapter 5
Um for some reason when i do the "Im so hungry i can't even think just throw me everything u have on a pie" Pizza Nic hates it every single time and says that it smells even if i dont add smelly ingredients and i have no idea what to do
I finished chapter 5 and I hire auto buddy for Fig, Zucchini and Artichoke but I cannot hire auto buddy for Garlic, Sliced tomato and Jalapeno because they don't appeal in the shop. Please help!
I tried to google it up but I didn't find a normal answer anywhere.
On mobile it wants me to use my email to log in, and on PC it's a TapBlaze ID, i really dunno what to do
Edit: i didn't connect my email to the game, all my adresses that i tried to log in with were blank
I need more gems for decoration upgrades and to get more autobuddies. Im only up to the Olive autobuddy so far.
Gioco sulla Nintendo e sono bloccata al livello 2. Ho comprato tutti gli ingredienti e anche tutti gli arredi pensando di poter sbloccare qualcosa ma niente. Le sfide le completo quando mi escono ma se provo a completare le sfide dell'area "completato" non mi risultano. Per esempio se mi dicono di fare tot pizze con la mozzarella anche se le faccio mi risulta che non ne ho fatte nemmeno una. Non so che fare perché appunto Il gioco non va avanti e mi risulta un po' noioso. P.s. sono al giorno 145
Hi, does anybody know why all my customers except the first one's, happiness start at 80%?
I'm currently on day 94, chapter 4.
Level 8 in the latest Bonfyre Fest event is really giving me a run for my money. Primarily because of the time requirement, the disabling of buddies, and some of the excessive-toppings orders.
Does anyone have some good speed strategies to shoot through these challenge sections without the topping buddies?
So, I finally beat that accursed level. By essentially saying "screw order" and just threw the toppings on every pizza haphazardly and pausing between orders to catch my breath and focus.
That was... so much harder than it needed to be.
Please help with Kimmy’s order in chapter 1 day 13. The order goes like: “three duck pizzas with all your spicy toppings. Cut in half twice”! Been stuck here for a while.
On Chapter 1,day 20.
Hi, I finished Chapter 5 story yay!
Wondering how can get Gold Pizzabox? Is it from any chapter?
Edit: just read decos list. Special event item haha
I was talking about GPGP with my friend and she pronounced Alicante as Alikante. So how do you pronounce his name?
I was talking about GPGP with my friend and he pronounced Alicante as Alisante. So how do you pronounce his name?
HI I'm currently on Chapter 2, and I bought the flower pot recently but I didn't know that that would make the eggplant disappear...
How do I get my eggplant back? Turns out the flower thing doesn't do much :(
How many days does it take for Elliot St. Claire to come back after accepting the mozza car investment? i've looked it up on youtube and it takes around 10 days. But I accepted it on day 90+ and now i'm on day 130 and he still hasn't come back. I do remember one time he asked advice about if he should buy some of BDP's stock, I told him not to. Did i do the wrong thing?
Hii!! why cant i see the log in thing in the menu?
hey, so like, (i finished chapter 5 already) does megabyte not show up in chapter 5? cause like recently i've been going through orders and i cant seem to find the little button to ask megabyte to do some orders?
Hi! I was looking for a place to comment to fix the mistake but I couldn't find it so here I am! I hope the editors see this 🙏
The first pizza recipe listed is Salty sailor instead of Stinky Pete, where instead of olives it should be onions. And as for the last recipe listed, the onions were not written. Not sure if I am explaining this correctly 😅
Here's my edited version with changes in bold:
[Pesto Sauce + Cheese + Bell Pepper + Basil] [Pesto Sauce + Cheese + Onion + Anchovy] [Pesto Sauce + Cheese + Onion + Jalapeño + Zucchini]
Thanks for the hard work, Editors! You've helped me so much in the game ♡♡