Artichoke, also referred by customers as Artichoke Heart, is the first and only vegetable ingredient unlocked in Chapter 5. It is the twenty-sixth topping in the game.
Artichoke becomes available when Cicero Burrata comes to your pizzeria the day after you show her a magazine article in her pizzeria, where Cicero gives you 10 Artichoke seeds in return. The topping is then unlocked, and its seeds become available in the seeds shop. You also obtain an Artichoke License so you can keep planting it permanently.
The Artichoke Autobuddy can be purchased in the Upgrades section of the shop. The pricing for the upgrades are:
- Mobile: 40
- Steam: 500
Topping skin[]
The Gingko Artichoke topping skin was first available for in-app purchase during the Pumpkin Harvest (2024) event in the Autumn Topping Skins bundle, along with skins for Sausage and Corn.