Good Pizza, Great Pizza Wiki
Recipe Unknown

This page lists order requirements for customers, stories, and recent events.

As of update 3.4.9, players can use either Tomato Sauce or Pesto Sauce in orders that do not specify which sauce to use.

Usage notes

Searching the page

Using "Ctrl + F" and searching for phrases of dialogue will show if the order exists on the page. Alternatively, mobile users can use the "Find on page" option in their phone's browser to search.

Format Description Example Meaning
+ Ingredient separator Sauce + Cheese Sauce and cheese pizza
( ) + ( ) Groups ingredients on each half of a pizza (Sauce) + (Cheese) Half sauce, half cheese pizza
[ ] Groups ingredients on each pizza if there is more than one pizza [Sauce] [Cheese] One sauce pizza and one cheese pizza

Adding to the page

If something is missing or incorrect, please edit the page or leave a comment with the order requirements and related dialogue.

Editing Guidelines
  1. Please check that the recipe is not already listed by searching the page with "Ctrl + F" or your device's equivalent.
  2. When making changes to specific sections of the page, use the "edit section" links, as editing the entire page may cause the source or Visual Editor to lag.
  3. Using the {{Order}} template, list ingredients in this order: Wheat Dough (Regular Dough is not specified) - Sauce (Tomato Sauce, Pesto Sauce) - Cheese - Pepperoni - Sausage - Mushroom - Olive - Onion - Bell Pepper - Bacon - Pineapple - Anchovy - Ham - Basil - Eggplant - Shrimp - Corn - Chicken - Garlic - Sliced Tomato - Jalapeno - Avocado - Truffle - Fig - Zucchini - Artichoke - Duck.
  4. Recipes are organized according to the order of the ingredients listed above, with the final ingredient being the section the recipe is listed under (e.g., a cheese pizza with Eggplant, Garlic, and Pepperoni will be listed under "Garlic"). However, there are some exceptions:
    • Recipes that use Wheat Dough will be listed under "Wheat Dough," regardless of the toppings used.
    • Variable recipes (where ingredients change as new toppings are added to the game) and named recipes (e.g., Vegetarian) will be listed under the "Variable recipe" and "Named recipe" sections, respectively, with the former taking precedence.

Gameplay tips

  • Unless stated otherwise in the recipes, always use white dough.
  • Unless the customer asks for a specific slice amount, always cut a pizza into 6 slices.
  • The perfect topping amount for pizzas is 18.
  • Make sure to spread out sauce and cheese evenly.
  • Unless the customer asks for no sauce, always add sauce to the pizza.
  • Make sure to spread out your toppings.
  • For half and half pizzas put the topping only on one side of the pizza.
  • Put a cooked pizza back into the oven to make it well done.
  • Asking a customer "What?" will lower their patience.
  • Be kind to those down on their luck. You can afford to spare a few bucks.

Fixed recipes

Plain Dough

  • “I need a pizza with nothing on it.”
    • “Yeah, just crust.”
  • “One flatbread pizza please.”
    • “Nothing on it.”
(Tomato Sauce) + (Pesto Sauce)
  • “I don't want a plain flatbread. It has to have red and green sauce. But the sauces can't mix together!”
    • “A half pesto and half tomato sauce flatbread!”

Wheat Dough

Wheat Dough
  • “Hit me with some fiber, champ.”
    • “Just wheat bread.”
Wheat Dough + Sauce
  • “I'm here for the wheat sauce, boss.”
    • “Wheat and sauce, boss.”
Wheat Dough + Cheese
  • “Cheesey wheat bread.”
    • “Just cheese on wheat.”
  • “Wheat and cheese if you please.”
    • “Please, wheat and cheese.”
Wheat Dough + Sauce + Cheese
  • “I'd like a tuna casserole. No? Well, how about a cheese pizza on wheat?”
    • “Cheese and sauce on wheat dough, please.”
  • “I’m on a wheat diet.”
    • “Wheat pizza, please!”
Wheat Dough + Sauce + Cheese + Mushroom
  • “Woo! I'm so ready for today's game! The only thing missing is a mushroom pizza on wheat.”
    • “I can't focus on the game without pizza! But I'd like mine on wheat dough with sauce, cheese, and mushrooms.”
Wheat Dough + (Cheese + Mushroom) + (Sauce + Onion)
  • “I want a mushion pizza, brown dough. Cheese on the mush side, sauce on the onion side.”
    • “A half mushroom and cheese-half onion and sauce pizza on wheat dough, please.”
Wheat Dough + (Sausage) + (Onion)
  • “I'm sick of society's constraints, man! I want something wild! Gimme a ... wheat pizza... with no sauce, and no cheese, with just onion on one side and sausage on the other! Woo yeah!”
    • “Quit harshin' my chill, man. Half onion, half sausage on wheat. Nothing else. Jeez.”
Wheat Dough + Anchovy
  • “I'd like one field of anchovy.”
    • “Anchovies on wheat. Nothing more.”
Wheat Dough + Sauce + Cheese + (Ham)
  • “Half ham and cheese on wheat.”
    • “The other half is just cheese.”
Wheat Dough + Corn
  • “Hey, can you make me some whole grain cornbread? I've just been craving some lately.”
    • “I just want corn on wheat dough, if possible. Sorry, is that weird?”
  • “ALL grain, NO pain! For real, this time.”
    • “Just corn on a wheat dough flatbread, please.”
Wheat Dough + Sauce + Cheese + Basil
  • “I'd like a pizza to help lower my risk of heart disease, type 2 diabetes, obesity, and some forms of cancer... with basil.”
    • “Whole wheat was what I was going for... with basil.”
Wheat Dough + Sauce + Cheese + Corn
  • “I may be going against the grain here, but give me a corn pizza on wheat dough!”
    • “I take the rumors I heard about this place with grain of salt. So give me a pizza with grains.”
      • “Well, let's start with whole wheat dough. Then make it a cheese pizza with corn.”
[Wheat Dough + Sauce + Cheese + Corn] x3
  • “Three pizzas, and I want you to make it grain up in here!”
    • “That would be three cheese pizzas with wheat dough and corn kernels.”
Wheat Dough + Onion + Basil
  • “Whole grain and onion with basil.”
    • “Onion and basil on whole wheat. No cheese or sauce.”
Wheat Dough + Sauce + Cheese + Onion + Basil
  • “Herb and onion on wheat.”
    • “Herb? Oh. Basil.”
Wheat Dough + Sauce + Cheese + Bacon + Basil
  • “Bake me bacon and basil on whole wheat.”
    • “I want you to top a pizza on whole wheat dough with bacon and basil. Then, bake it in an oven.”
Wheat Dough + Garlic
  • “Hey, do you guys do whole wheat garlic bread? I just want some of that, thanks!”
    • “I'm sure you could just put garlic cloves on some wheat dough, couldn't you?”
[Wheat Dough + Sauce + Cheese + Corn + Garlic] x3
  • “I'll take three pies with grains and garlic.”
    • “Wheat dough, sauce, cheese, corn, and garlic. Triple the order!”
Wheat Dough + Sauce + Cheese + Chicken + Jalapeno
  • “Make me a chicken pizza on crispy wheat dough! Add slices of jalapeno, too. I'll need a lot of energy for today!”
    • “Chicken and jalapeno on wheat dough, sauce, and cheese always energize me! Double-baked! WOO!” (Run the pizza through the oven twice.)
Wheat Dough + Sauce + Cheese + Mushroom + Truffle
  • “Fungus pizza. Wheat dough.”
    • “Cheese, sauce and fungi on wheat dough. No meat. No fruit. No veggie. No seafood.”
[Sauce + Cheese + Mushroom + Bacon + Basil + Truffle] [Wheat Dough + Sauce + Cheese + Mushroom + Ham + Basil + Truffle]
  • “One bacon pizza and one ham pizza. Add basil and all the fungi you have to both of them, please. Also, put the ham pizza on wheat dough.”
    • “I think ham is softer than bacon so that wheat dough really helps to bring the chewy-ness.”
      • “Cheese, mushrooms, bacon, basil, truffles, and sauce for one, and cheese, mushrooms, ham, basil, truffles, and sauce for the other. That's it.”
Wheat Dough + Sauce + Cheese + Fig
  • “They say the Greek philosopher Chrysippus died from laughter when he saw a donkey eating his figs. Hopefully, a fig pizza on wheat won't do the same to me!”
    • “Just figs, sauce, and cheese, please. On wheat dough.”
Wheat Dough + Sauce + Cheese + Chicken + Jalapeno + Fig
  • “Ever had sweet figs with savory chicken and spicy jalapeno on a cheese pizza with wheat dough? Me neither! I wanna try it!”
    • “Figs, chicken, and jalapeno. Wheat dough with sauce and cheese.”
Wheat Dough + Cheese + Eggplant + Sliced Tomato + Zucchini
  • “Eggplant should never go with zucchini unless they're beside tomatoes and on top of a cheesy wheat flatbread.”
    • “Eggplant, zucchini, and sliced tomatoes on a cheesy flatbread. No sauce. Wheat dough.”
Wheat Dough + Pesto Sauce + Cheese + Basil + Shrimp + Zucchini
  • “It has been foretold by the pizza ancients that zucchini goes best with shrimp, herbs, and cheese. But only on green sauce and wheat dough.”
    • “I made that all up. Can I just have zucchini, shrimp, and basil? Add pesto, cheese, and put it on wheat dough. Thanks!”
[Pesto + Cheese + Duck] [Wheat Dough + Sauce + Cheese + Duck]
  • “Two quacking pizzas, please! One with grass-colored sauce and the other with a grainy base.”
    • “Duck on two cheese pizzas. Use pesto on one and wheat dough for the other.”
Wheat Dough + Sauce + Cheese + Basil + Garlic + Duck
  • “Indonesia has a duck dish called bebek goreng. Prepare my pizza extra crispy like that! With garlic and basil on wheat.”
    • “I'm craving bebek goreng, so add duck, garlic, and basil to my pie. All on wheat dough with a dark crust.”


  • “A sauceless cheese for me.”
    • “I mean a cheese pizza, without any sauce.”
  • “Cheese pizza, minus the sauce.”
    • “Minus is subtraction. Don't put sauce.”
  • “What's the best food to eat while watching the game? Chips and dip! Or better yet, cheese on a crispy flatbread!”
    • “I love eating melty cheese on dough when I'm watching the game. Dark crust, please!” (Run the pizza through the oven twice.)
(Cheese) + (None)
  • “I'd like half cheese bread and the other half just bread.”
    • “No sauce. Half cheese. Nothing else.”
Sauce + Cheese
  • “Hello. I would not like a pepperoni pizza.”
    • “I want a cheese.”
  • “Can I get a pepperoni, without any pepperoni.”
    • “Just cheese and sauce on that.”
  • “One pizza as beautiful as the morning sunrise.”
    • “A cheese pizza. You know like the sun? Not very poetic, are ya?”
  • “One cheese. Plain and simple.”
    • “One cheese. Plain and simple.”
  • “I need a pizza, but don't bother putting any of those fancy toppings on. Just sauce and cheese.”
    • “Just sauce and cheese.”
  • “Just cheese.”
  • “One plain pizza please.”
    • “Pizza. Plain. Cheese and sauce is presumed.”
  • “I've got a ton of mice to get rid of. One cheese pizza, please.”
    • “Forcing them out won't work, so hoping the bribe does better.”
  • “One cheese pizza. Don't forget the sauce. I've had people forget the sauce.”
    • “Seriously. That sauce. I need it with my cheese.”
  • “Sauce. Cheese. Go.”
    • “Sauce! Cheese! Go!!!”
  • “Do you wanna hear a joke about pizza?”
    • “Naw, it's too cheesy. Haha! I'll have a cheese.”
  • “I'm here for a pizza.”
    • “Oh, sorry. Just a cheese pizza.”
  • “Cheese please!”
    • “Please cheese!”
  • “Going to cheese town hard tonight.”
    • “Cheese pizza for one!”
  • “My sister is a vegetarian, but she doesn't actually like vegetables or fruit. She likes mushrooms and some other fungi though... but not on pizza.”
    • “My sister wants a pizza without meat, fruit, vegetables, or mushrooms.”
  • “Cheese.”
    • “Just a cheese pizza.”
  • “Cheese cheese cheese cheese cheese.”
    • “Cheese?”
  • “Yes, hello. Cheese pizza.”
    • “Cheese pizza.”
  • “Hi can I have a pizza please?”
    • “Just a cheese pizza.”
  • “I need to do my pre-game ritual and that includes eating a cheese pizza!”
    • “I'll probably eat more at my friend's game-watching party, but for now I'll take dough, sauce, and cheese.”
  • “Legend says there is a pizza... "One Pizza to rule them all, One Pizza to serve them, One Pizza to bring them all and in its cheesiness feed them."”
    • “I am joining a fellowship, Ovenist. I need a pizza comprised of dough, sauce, and cheese.”
[Sauce + Cheese] x2
  • “One half cheese and the other half pepperoni. Make both halves cheese. And make it twice.”
    • “Two cheese pizzas. I don't know what I was thinking before.”
  • “Two cheese pizzas, please.”
    • “Cheese pizza... two...”
Tomato Sauce + Cheese
  • “You guys have pesto pizza now? Weird... I'd like my cheese pizza with ACTUAL pizza sauce.”
    • “As in, tomato sauce. You know, the REAL pizza sauce?”
  • “I want a pizza s'more! With melty red chocolate and cheesy marshmallow! Make it toasty!”
    • “The dough is the graham cracker, the tomato sauce is the chocolate, and the cheese is the marshmallow! Double-baked!”
      • “Just make a pizza with tomato sauce and cheese. Well done.” (Run the pizza through the oven twice.)
Pesto Sauce + Cheese
  • “Gimme that cheese with pesto, please!”
    • “Oh, sorry. One cheese pizza, but with pesto sauce instead of tomato sauce!”
  • “Hey, I heard you have pesto sauce now. Can I get some on a cheese pizza?”
    • “Just cheese and pesto. I'm still not sure if I'll like it with anything else...”
  • “Normally, I wouldn't think to put pesto on a cheese pizza. But that guy in the green shirt was very convincing!”
    • “Time to try something new! I'll have a cheese pizza with pesto sauce!”
[Pesto Sauce + Cheese] x3
  • “Pesto's the besto! Three pesto pies with cheese, please!”
    • “I can't get enough of that tasty green sauce! I want 3 pizzas with pesto and cheese!”
(Sauce) + Cheese
  • “I'd like a cheese pizza with half no sauce.”
    • “My pizza? Don't put sauce of half of it.”
(Tomato Sauce) + (Pesto Sauce) + Cheese
  • “I love pesto and red sauce, but I'm only hungry for one pizza... Do I really have to choose one or the other?”
    • “Oh, you can make put each sauce on one side? Okay! One cheese pizza, half pesto and half tomato!”
[(Tomato Sauce) + (Pesto Sauce) + Cheese] x2
  • “Two cheese pizzas, please. And can you make them both half pesto, half tomato sauce?”
    • “Huh? Why don't I just order two pizzas with one sauce each? Because that wouldn't look as cool!”
[(Sauce) + (Cheese)] x2
  • “I'd like half cheese bread and half sauce bread. Make that a double.”
    • “Two half sauce and half cheese.”
[Sauce + Cheese] [None]
  • “I'd like a cheese pizza and a side of bread.”
    • “One cheese pizza, and one pizza with nothing on it.”


  • “Um... can I get a pepperoni pizza with no cheese or sauce?”
    • “I mean don’t put cheese or sauce on it.”
Sauce + Pepperoni
  • “I need a pepperoni without cheese.”
    • “My body can't digest dairy well, thanks for bringing it up.”
  • “Pep no chizzy.”
    • “Pepperoni no cheese...”
  • “I'd like a pepperoni, dairy free.”
    • “Don't put cheese on my pepperoni.”
  • “Hey there! I have a favor to ask of you. I wanted to order a pepperoni pizza, but I don't want any cheese on it.”
    • “Oh. I mean I need one pepperoni without any of the cheese.”
  • “Can I please get a pepperoni with no cheese?”
    • “No cheese on that pep, please.”
Sauce + (Pepperoni)
  • “I'd like a pizza with just sauce! Actually put pep on one side!”
    • “No cheese! But half pepperoni!”
Cheese + Pepperoni
  • “Hello. Can I get a pepperoni pizza, but without any sauce on it.”
    • “Just pep, cheese, and crust.”
  • “Pepperoni and cheese.”
    • “I can't get any more clear than that. Pepperoni and cheese.”
  • “Pepperoni with no sauce.”
    • “I can't get any more clear than that. Pepperoni and cheese. Sauce? No.”
Cheese + (Pepperoni)
  • “Hi... I'd like a half pepperoni and half cheese, but... can you not put sauce on any of it...”
    • “I... I'd like half pep, and I'd like half cheese... I... just don't like the sauce.”
Sauce + Cheese + Pepperoni
  • “Hello! Can I get a pepperoni.”
    • “Meat, cheese, sauce, and crust.”
  • “Hi! How are you doing? Let's see. Hmmm. I'll take... Alright let's get one pepperoni pizza. Thank you!”
    • “I guess you didn't hear me. Alright. I said that I would like to buy a single pepperoni pizza.”
  • “Can I just get a pepperoni, please?”
    • “Are you kidding? It's pepperoni. I'd like a pizza with some soft, slightly smoked, bright red slices of cured pork and beef.”
  • “My brother hates pepperoni. I'll take a pepperoni.”
    • “Yeah, it's terrible. I'm cool with it.”
  • “Pepperoni.”
    • “...Pepperoni.”
  • “Macaroni pizza.”
    • “Hahah! Oops. I meant pepperoni.”
  • “Za.”
    • “As in pizza? Pepperoni pizza.”
  • “I'd like to buy a pepperoni pizza.”
    • “I'd... like... to... buy... a pepperoni pizza?”
  • “During the ZA Facts segment on PNN, Oliver said the largest pizza ever recorded was 14,000 square feet! Do you remember what topping was on it? That's what I want.”
    • “I don't want a 14,000-square-foot pizza, but I do want a pizza with pepperoni! I wonder how many pepperonis they used to cover that enormous pizza, ha!”
Tomato Sauce + Cheese + Pepperoni
  • “I heard you got pesto, but nothing beats a classic! One pepperoni pizza, with tomato sauce.”
    • “Well, now that you got two sauces for pizza, I wanna make sure you're using the red stuff on mine. And cheese and pepperoni, of course!”
Pesto + Cheese + Pepperoni
  • “Now that you have pesto, I can finally get a REAL Italian pizza: green pesto, white mozzarella, and red pepperonis!”
    • “Green, white, red... ALL Italian!”
Cheese + Pepperoni + (Sauce)
  • “Hey, how's it going? I need a pepperoni, half no sauce.”
    • “Just a pep, with sauce missing from one side.”
Sauce + Pepperoni + (Cheese)
  • “Is it possible to have no cheese on half of my pepperoni?”
    • “I'm saying leave cheese off half of the pizza.”
Sauce + Cheese + (Pepperoni)
  • “Hey... um... I'd like a pepperoni... well half pep... the other cheese.”
    • “Sorry... half pep half cheese...”
  • “Hey. I need a pepperoni but put no pepperoni on one side.”
    • “I just want a half pep and half cheese, dude.”
  • “Hello. I need half cheese half salami.”
    • “Oh. I mean pepperoni. Half cheese, half pepperoni.”
  • “Half Pee half Chee!”
    • “Half pepperoni, and half cheese.”
  • “Hey... cheese... half pep...”
    • “Um... half cheese... half pep...”
  • “Can I get a pizza that is half pepperoni and half cheese?”
    • “I want pepperoni on half of the pizza, and just cheese on the other half.”
Sauce + (Cheese) + (Pepperoni)
  • “Alright, so, for my pizza I need half of it with cheese and the other half with pepperonis and no cheese.”
    • “Are you really going to make me repeat that? One half is just sauce and cheese, and the other half is just sauce and pepperoni.”
Sauce + (Cheese + Pepperoni)
  • “I need a pizza that is half pepperoni and the other half just sauce.”
    • “Yeah... no cheese or pep on one half. My dad likes it that way for some reason.”
(Sauce + Pepperoni) + (Cheese)
  • “Everyone gets my order wrong. I just need half pep no cheese, and half cheese no sauce.”
    • “Geez man... Half pep no cheese. Half cheese no sauce.”
[Sauce + Cheese + Pepperoni] x2
  • “Hey. I need two peps.”
    • “Two pepperoni pizzas.”
[Tomato Sauce + Cheese + Pepperoni] [Pesto + Cheese + Pepperoni]
  • “The final game of the season is here! I want to celebrate with a couple of pepperoni pizzas! Green sauce on one of them.”
    • “One pizza with pesto, cheese, and pep. The other with tomato sauce, cheese, and pep. WOO!”
[Sauce + Cheese + Pepperoni] x3
  • “One Two Three! Pepperoni!”
    • “Three pepperoni pizzas.”
  • “Your pizza has changed my life, buddy! I dedicated myself to training bears. I need three pepperoni pizzas for my bears.”
    • “Three pepperoni pizzas, buddy.”
  • “I'm having a huge get-together to watch the game today. I need three pepperoni pizzas!”
    • “Put sauce, cheese, and pepperoni on dough. Then repeat the process two more times!”
[Sauce + Cheese + Pepperoni] [Sauce + Pepperoni]
  • “I need two pepperoni pizzas, but one without cheese!”
    • “One pepperoni. One pepperoni with no cheese on it.”
[Sauce + Cheese + (Pepperoni)] x2
  • “I need two half pep and half cheese pizzas.”
    • “I don’t want a pep and a cheese. I need two half and halfs.”


Cheese + Sausage
  • “I'd like a sauceless sausage, haha!”
    • “Sausage, but no sauce! Ha!”
  • “Serve me up some sauceless sausage.”
    • “Sausage pizza with no sauce.”
Sauce + Cheese + Sausage
  • “Hi. Saus.”
    • “Yes.”
  • “Sausage Pizza. Sausage. Cheese is cool too.”
    • “A sausage pizza with cheese.”
  • “Pepperoni is great, but Sausage is better!”
    • “Sausage pizza!”
  • “Sausage.”
    • “A sausage pizza.”
  • “Hm. I don't see calzones on your menu. *sigh* Gimme a sausage cheese pizza cut in half. I'll fold it over myself.”
    • “Are calzones pizza? Or are they a sandwich? Who knows?! But I like my dough with sauce, cheese, and sausage. Two slices.” (Cut the pizza into two slices.)
[Sauce + Cheese + Sausage] x2
  • “I'm going to need a cheese pizza with sausage, and a sausage pizza with cheese.”
    • “Cheese and sausage on both!”
  • “Two pizzas. Both sausage.”
    • “Two sausage pizzas.”
Sauce + (Pepperoni) + (Sausage)
  • “I'd like you to make a half pepperoni and half sausage, but all with no cheese.”
    • “Half pep, half saus, all with no cheese.”
Sauce + Cheese + Pepperoni + Sausage
  • “There once was a human who ordered a pepperoni and sausage. That human is me.”
    • “Trying to order a pep and sausage here.”
  • “One pepperoni and sausage.”
    • “One pepperoni and sausage.”
  • “Hey pal. Pizza of the day is pep and sausage.”
    • “Pepperoni and sausage.”
  • “Do you have sausage toppings?”
    • “Great! I'll have a pep and sausage.”
  • “Ready for this? I wanted a pepperoni and sausage.”
    • “I prepped you my order! Pepperoni and sausage.”
  • “Hello! I'd like a pepperoni, but if you have sausage too, that would be even better.”
    • “If possible, I’d like a pepperoni and sausage.”
  • “One sausage provoloni.”
    • “Sausage and provoloni. Er... pepperoni.”
  • “I need a pizza with pepperoni on it, but also with sausage on it.”
    • “The pizza will have pepperoni and sausage!”
  • “Oh wow, my very fisrt PizzaCon pizza! How about pepperoni and sausage??”
    • “I heard that people here love pepperoni and sausage. I wanna see what it's all about!”
[Sauce + Cheese + Pepperoni + Sausage] x2
  • “I need one pizza with pepperoni, cheese, and sausage, and another pizza with pepperoni, cheese, and sausage.”
    • “I need one pizza with pepperoni, cheese, and sausage, and another pizza with pepperoni, cheese, and sausage.”
Sauce + Cheese + (Pepperoni) + (Sausage)
  • “Can I please get half pepperoni and half sausage.”
    • “Two toppings too complicated for you? Half pepperoni. Half sausage.”
(Sauce + Sausage) + (Cheese + Pepperoni)
  • “I'm sorry to be complicated but I need half sausage no cheese, and half pepperoni no sauce.”
[Sauce + Cheese + Pepperoni] [Sauce + Cheese + Sausage]
  • “One pepperoni pizza, and one sausage pizza.”
    • “two pizzas. One pepperoni and one sausage.”


Sauce + Mushroom
  • “Cheese and mushrooms taste weird together.”
    • “A mushroom pizza without cheese for me.”
Sauce + Cheese + Mushroom
  • “Hey, uh... you know uh... I like a mushroom thing... yeah... mushroom pizza.”
    • “Yeah... uh... mushrooms.”
  • “I would like to buy a mushroom pizza!”
    • “Just like Mario!”
  • “I would like a pizza, but do not top it with animal, vegetable, or mineral.”
    • “Nothing but fungi!”
  • “Can I get some shrooms... on my pizza?”
    • “Sorry. Mushrooms.”
  • “Get me the truffle pizza.”
    • “Truffles? Mushrooms?”
[Sauce + Cheese + Mushroom] x2
  • “Two mushroom pizzas. Thank you very... mush. Hehe.”
    • “Two mushroom pizzas.”
  • “Can I get two mushroom pizzas, please.”
    • “I'm going to make a mushroom bicycle!”
[Sauce + Cheese + Mushroom] x3
  • “Musha-musha-musha pizzas.”
    • “Three mushroom pizzas.”
  • “Three mushroom pizzas for this fun guy.”
    • “Get it? Fun guy. Fungi. It's a pun.”
Sauce + Sausage + Mushroom
  • “Mushroom and sausage are going to a party. Cheese isn't invited.”
    • “I want a mushroom and sausage pizza, without cheese.”
Sauce + Cheese + Pepperoni + Mushroom
  • “Hello friend, I'd like a mushroom and pepperoni pizza, please.”
    • “Hello friend, who doesn’t pay attention, I’d like a mushroom and pepperoni pizza, please.”
  • “I want to get a musheroni pizza.”
    • “Mushroom and pepperoni.”
Sauce + Cheese + (Pepperoni) + (Mushroom)
  • “Half pepperoni and half mushroom, is the way to go.”
    • “Half pepperoni and half mushroom.”
[Sauce + Cheese + Pepperoni] [Sauce + Cheese + Pepperoni + Mushroom]
  • “I need two pepperoni pizzas, but one with Mushrooms.”
    • “One pep mushroom, and one pep.”
Sauce + Cheese + Sausage + Mushroom
  • “How ya doing? Mushroom and sausage, for me.”
    • “Mushroom and sausage.”
  • “Um... I like mushrooms, but I also like sausage... Can I get both?”
    • “Mushroom and sausage.”
      • “Cheese, sausages, mushrooms, and sauce. That's it.”
Pesto Sauce + Cheese + Sausage + Mushroom
  • “I saw someone make a mushroom and sausage pizza with pesto on TV. It looked soooo good!”
    • “Can I get a pizza with mushrooms and sausage, but with pesto instead of pizza sauce?”
Sauce + (Pepperoni) + (Mushroom)
  • “Excuse me, I need half pep and half mushroom, with no cheese.”
    • “Half pepperoni, and half mushroom, with no cheese on any of it.”
Sauce + Cheese + (Sausage) + (Mushroom)
  • “Hey, one half sausage and half mushroom.”
    • “Half sausage, and half mushroom.”
Sauce + Cheese + Pepperoni + Sausage + Mushroom
  • “Mushroom, sausage, pepperoni, cheese. Put all of that on my pizza please!”
    • “Really? It even rhymed and everything.”
Sauce + Cheese + (Pepperoni + Sausage) + (Mushroom)
  • “May I get half mushroom and half pepperoni and sausage.”
    • “Half mushroom, half pepperoni and sausage.”


Sauce + Olive
  • “I'd like to get an olive pizza without cheese, because it looks like a ladybug.”
    • “It's red... and the dots are.. nevermind.”
Cheese + Olive
  • “All olives. No sauce.”
    • “Are you messing with me?”
(Pesto Sauce) + (Tomato Sauce + Olive)
  • “I want a watermelon pizza, with no cheese!”
    • “You put tomato sauce and olives on one half, pesto on the other. But no cheese!”
Sauce + Cheese + Olive
  • “Um... ... ... ... O... Olive?”
    • “Yeah... um... olive pizza.”
  • “I live for olives.”
    • “Olive pizza.”
  • “The ancient Greeks used to smear olive oil on their bodies to clean themselves. Weird!”
    • “You know. Like soap. Anyways... Can I get an olive pizza...”
  • “I didn't know olives are actually fruit.”
    • “Still delicious! Can I get an olive pizza?”
  • “People always get pepperoni, but I feel it's all about the olives!”
    • “Olive pizza!”
  • “I've gotta get some of those olives!”
    • “Olives on the pizza!”
  • “I'd like a cheese pizza. Top it with the small fermented fruit that changes from green to black as it ripens. Run it through the heat twice!”
    • “I'm talkin' about olives! On dough, sauce, and cheese. Double-baked!” (Run the pizza through the oven twice.)
[Sauce + Cheese + Olive] x2
  • “Two Olive pizzas.”
    • “Two pizzas with olives.”
[Sauce + Pepperoni + Olive] x2
  • “Two olive and pepperoni pizzas with no cheese!”
    • “Don't put cheese on my pepperoni and olive pizzas.”
Sauce + Cheese + Pepperoni + Olive
  • “Do you have olives?”
    • “Great! I'll have a pep and olive.”
  • “Could you get me an olive and pepperoni pizza? Thanks.”
    • “Olive and pepperoni.”
Sauce + Cheese + Pepperoni + (Olive)
  • “I'd like to get a pepperoni with half olives, please.”
    • “All pepperoni, but half olives.”
Sauce + Cheese + Sausage + Olive
  • “I've been looking forward to today's game all week! And I've also been craving a sausage and olive pizza!”
    • “Once I have sausage and olive on a cheese pizza, I can finally watch the big game! And use pesto, not pizza sauce!”
Sauce + Cheese + Sausage + (Pepperoni) + (Olive)
  • “Half sausage and olive and half sausage and pepperoni!”
    • “Half sausage and olive and half sausage and pepperoni!”
[Sauce + Cheese + Sausage + Olive] x3
  • “Lots of olives! Olives and sausage! Three pizzas!”
    • “Three pizzas with olives and sausages!”
Sauce + Cheese + Mushroom + Olive
  • “Hey... mushroom and olive... if that's cool...”
    • “...Mushrooms... and olive...”
Sauce + Cheese + Pepperoni + Mushroom + Olive
  • “Okay, one Classic Meat! Add mushroom and olive. Skip the sausage this time.”
    • “I guess that's not really a Classic Meat, haha. One pepperoni, mushroom, and olive pizza.”
[Sauce + Cheese + Pepperoni + Sausage + Mushroom + Olive] [Sauce + Cheese]
  • “I need one pizza with pepperoni, mushrooms, olives, and sausage, and another just cheese.”
    • “Some of us are more complex than others.”


  • “Just onions, on that, if you can. Nothing more.”
    • “Um... just onions.”
Mushroom + Onion
  • “Onions and mushrooms. Nothing more! Nothing less!”
    • “Onions and mushrooms. Nothing more! Nothing less!”
Sauce + Cheese + Onion
  • “Did you know the ancient Egyptians might have worshiped onions. The sphere shape and concentric rings can symbolize eternal youth.”
    • “Well I find it interesting. One onion pizza, please!”
  • “I'd like a turnip pizza.”
    • “Oh right. Onions. Onion pizza.”
  • “There's a bear in my car! I should probably get an onion pizza.”
    • “Bears hate onions right?”
  • “Onion pizza, please. I'm going on a date.”
    • “I don't like dates.”
[Sauce + Cheese + Onion] x2
  • “Quick, Ovenist! Two onion pizzas!”
    • “Two doughs covered in sauce, cheese, and onions!”
Sauce + Cheese + Pepperoni + Onion
  • “Do you have onions?”
    • “Great! Give me a pep and onion pizza, then.”
  • “I would like a cheese pizza, but on top I'd like onions and pepperoni.”
    • “Pepperoni and onions on my pizza.”
  • “Onions and pepperoni go together, right?”
    • “Both are circle shaped, I suppose.”
[Sauce + Cheese + Pepperoni + Onion] x2
  • “Two pizzas. Both with pepperonis and onions.”
    • “Two pepperoni and onion pizzas.”
[Sauce + Cheese + Pepperoni] [Sauce + Cheese + Pepperoni + Onion]
  • “I need two pepperoni pizzas, But put onions on just one.”
    • “Only one with onion! If you put it on both we are gonna be donion...”
Sauce + Cheese+ (Pepperoni) + (Onion)
  • “What did I need? Oh, it was half pepperoni and half onion.”
    • “Half pepperoni and half onion.”
[Sauce + Cheese + Onion] x2 [Sauce + Cheese + Pepperoni + Onion]
  • “I need a triple order of onions. One with pepperoni.”
    • “Three onion pizzas. One with pepperoni.”
Sauce + Cheese + Sausage + Onion
  • “Bit of a crazy order here. I want both onions and sausage on my pizza.”
    • “Did I blow your mind on that one? Onions AND sausage.”
  • “I'll have a pizza with ground pork and that veggie with all the layers. What is it called? They break into rings when you slice them.”
    • “Oh, I want a pizza with sauce, cheese, sausage, and onion. My favorite!”
Sauce + Cheese + Mushroom + Onion
  • “I'm here for an onion and mushroom pizza.”
    • “Onions and mushrooms.”
  • “I love the way onions and mushrooms smell when they're baked.”
    • “I bet they smell even better on a baked pizza... Mushrooms and onions, please!”
Sauce + Cheese + (Mushroom) + (Onion)
  • “On my pizza, I'd like half with mushrooms, and half with onions.”
    • “Half mushroom, half onion.”
[Sauce + Cheese + Mushroom] [Sauce + Cheese + Onion]
  • “Two pizzas. One Mushroom and one Onion”
    • “Mushroom and onion war!”
Sauce + Cheese + Olive + Onion
  • “I'll take the O combo! Olives and onions!”
    • “Olives and onions!”
  • “Onions and olives only for me. Other than cheese and sauce of course.”
    • “I would like onions and olives on my pizza.”
Pesto Sauce + Cheese + Olive + Onion
  • “Ooh, I just gotta try that pesto pizza! Go ahead and put some olives and onions on it, too.”
    • “Can I get a cheese pizza with pesto, onions, and olives?”
Sauce + Cheese + (Olive) + (Onion)
  • “Half olives and half onions for me.”
    • “I just don't like them to touch, alright?”
Sauce + Cheese + Pepperoni + Sausage + Onion
  • “Can I get those tasty tasty onions. Also sausage and pepperoni, please.”
    • “Onions, pepperoni, and sausage.”
Sauce + (Pepperoni + Onion) + (Olive)
  • “Alright, half pep and onions, and half olives. I need it without cheese though.”
    • “Half pep and onions, half olives. All without cheese.”
[Sauce + Cheese + Onion] + [Sauce + Cheese + Pepperoni + Sausage]
  • “Can I get one with onion and one with pep and sausage?”
    • “One onion pizza, one pep and saus.”
Sauce + Cheese + Mushroom + Olive + Onion
  • “MOO!”
    • “I'm not pretending to be a cow. I want Mushrooms, Olives, and Onions on my pizza!”
  • “Can I please get an olive and onion pizza, but also with mushrooms.”
    • “olives, onions, and mushrooms.”
[Pesto Sauce + Cheese + Sausage + Mushroom] [Pesto Sauce + Cheese + Sausage + Mushroom + (Onion)]
  • “I'd like two pizzas with pesto, mushrooms and sausage. And on one of those, can I get onions on one half?”
    • “Both pizzas should have pesto, mushrooms, and sausage. But one should also have onions on one half.”
Sauce + Cheese + (Pepperoni) + (Olive + Onion)
  • “Hey there, I need a half olive and onion and half pepperoni.”
    • “I need a half olive and onion and half pepperoni.”
Sauce + Cheese + Pepperoni + Sausage + Olive + Onion
  • “It's an accident to order no bell peppers and mushrooms. OOPS! Get it?”
    • “Onions, olives, pepperoni, and sausage. OOPS! Haha!”
Sauce + Cheese + (Sausage + Onion) + (Mushroom + Olive)
  • “Could I get a pizza that is half sausage and onions, half olive and mushrooms.”
    • “Half sausage and onions, and half olive and mushrooms.”
[Pesto Sauce + Cheese + Pepperoni + Sausage] [Pesto Sauce + Cheese + (Mushroom) + (Olive + Onion)]
  • “I want a pesto pizza with pepperoni and sausage. And I want another with olives and onions on one side, mushrooms on the other.”
    • “Sorry, it's a long order... Two pesto pizzas, one with pepperoni and sausage. The other should have two halves: one side mushroom, the other onions and olives.”
[Sauce + Cheese + Olive] [Sauce + Cheese + Sausage + Onion]
  • “I need 2 pizzas for a party. 4 of my friends want olive and the other 4 want saus and onion. Each group gets a pizza. Cut each one twice.”
    • “One pizza with olive and the other with sausage and onion. All on dough, sauce, and cheese. Cut both into four slices.” (Cut each pizza into four slices.)

Bell Pepper

Cheese + Bell Pepper
  • “Could I just get bell peppers with no sauce.”
    • “Bell peppers with no sauce.”
Sauce + Cheese + Bell Pepper
  • “Bell peppers and sausage, but without the sausage!”
    • “I'm a dummy. Just bell peppers.”
  • “Ding-dong!”
    • “Bell peppers? Get it?”
  • “I'd just like some B.P for M.E.”
    • “Bell peppers for me.”
Sauce + Cheese + Pepperoni + Bell Pepper
  • “Ya know, if you think about it, cheese is pretty gross. It's basically made from spoiled milk! So why does it taste so good when baked with pepperoni and bell pepper?!”
    • “I'll never understand the mysteries of pizza, but that's why you're the Ovenist and not me! One pep and bell pepper pizza, please.”
Sauce + Cheese + Sausage + Onion + Bell Pepper
  • “I saw a pizza commercial while watching the big game. I gotta get one with onion, bell pepper, and sausage!”
    • “The commercials are always my favorite part. Add onion, bell pepper, and sausage on a cheese pizza to satisfy my craving!”
Sauce + Cheese + Onion + Bell Pepper
  • “Gimme a pepper and onion pie, fam.”
    • “Pepper and onion on pizza.”
Sauce + Cheese + (Mushroom) + (Pepperoni + Bell Pepper)
  • “Half pepperoni and bell, half mushrooms that smell!”
    • “Bell peppers and pepperoni on one side. Mushrooms on the other side. The smelly side.”
Sauce + Cheese + (Pepperoni + Onion) + (Olive + Bell Pepper)
  • “One half-and-half pizza. Pepperoni and bell pepper can't be on the same side, neither can Onion and olive. Oh, bell pepper and onion on different sides, too.”
    • “Yeah, that was a pretty confusing way to order. Sorry! One cheese pizza with pepperoni and onion on one side, bell pepper and olive on the other.”
Sauce + Cheese + Olive + Bell Pepper + (Pepperoni) + (Onion)
  • “I want a pizza with pepper, onion, pepperoni, and olive with pepperoni and onion each only on half.”
    • “Pepper and Olive with half pepperoni and half onion.”
[Sauce + Cheese + Sausage + Onion] [Sauce + Cheese + Sausage + Mushroom] [Sauce + Cheese + Sausage + Bell Pepper]
  • “One onion pizza. One pepper pizza. One mushroom pizza. Sausage on all three.”
    • “One onion pizza. One bell pepper pizza. One mushroom pizza. Sausage on all three.”


  • “I'm just here for the bacon. Could you put bacon on a flatbread, with nothing else on it?”
    • “I'll probably end up throwing the flatbread part away.”
Sauce + Cheese + Bacon
  • “I'm trying to get my dog into frisbee. Maybe a bacon pizza will do the trick?”
    • “That's one bacon pizza that I can use to teach my dog how to fetch.”
  • “Bacon is in the eye of the beholder. And I want to behold it.”
    • “I'm very hungry.”
  • “Grease me up a bacon pizza.”
    • “Put bacon on a pizza.”
  • “I just ran fourteen blocks, because I smelled bacon!”
    • “I'll take a bacon pizza, please.”
  • “I'm achin' for bacon!”
    • “BACON!”
  • “Hey there, buddy! I need a bacon pizza for my best bear's birthday.”
    • “One bacon pizza, buddy!”
Sauce + Cheese + (Pepperoni) + (Sausage + Bacon)
  • “I'll have a half pepperoni pizza for dinner with the other half sausage and bacon that I'm going to save for breakfast.”
    • “One half pepperoni for dinner, and the other half sausage and bacon for breakfast.”
Sauce + Cheese + Onion + Bacon
  • “I want a pizza. I want you to sauce it, cheese it, burn it, make it cry, take it to the farm, and let it play with the bacon.”
    • “I'll take a bacon pizza with onions.”


Sauce + Cheese + Pineapple
  • “The topping I want would make a great house for an underwater sponge.”
    • “Who lives in a pineapple under the sea?”
  • “I need a pineapple pizza to see which side of the debate my date is on.”
    • “I haven't decided yet.”
  • “I require a pineapple pizza post-haste!”
    • “Pizza plus pineapple; no time to waste!”
  • “Don't tell anyone, but I want a pineapple pizza.”
    • “Shhhh.”
Pesto Sauce + Cheese + Pepperoni + Pineapple
  • “Quick, make a cheese pesto pizza with pep and pineapple!”
    • “Pepperoni and pineapple are a good balance of salty and sweet. I need it on pesto sauce and cheese.”
Sauce + Cheese + Pepperoni + (Mushroom) + (Pineapple)
  • “A family of 4 wants a pepperoni pizza. They'll eat 2 slices each. But 2 of them want mushrooms and the other 2 want pineapple. What should they order? Put the answer on a pizza.”
    • “If my Ovenist skills are correct, you should make a cheese pizza with pepperoni. Put mushrooms on half of it and pineapple on the other half. Cut it into 8 slices.” (Cut the pizza into eight slices.)
Sauce + Cheese + Olive + Pineapple
  • “I'll take a salty-sweet pineapple and olive pie, please.”
    • “Pineapple and olive on a pizza.”
Sauce + Cheese + Bell Pepper + Pineapple
  • “I'd like a pineapple and bell pepper pizza, please.”
    • “Pineapple and bell pepper, please!”
Sauce + Cheese + Pepperoni + Bell Pepper + Pineapple
  • “Three P pizza, please.”
    • “Pepperoni, Pepper, and Pineapple pizza, please.”


  • “I’m trying to train this seal, I just want anchovies on dough.”
    • “Honestly, there's a seal outside.”
Sauce + Cheese + Anchovy
  • “Gimme something fishy!”
    • “I was hoping for spicy tuna, but anchovies will do.”
  • “Darling it's better. Down where it's wetter. Bake it for me.”
    • “I've got a little mermaid at home in need of an anchovy pizza.”
[Sauce + Cheese + Anchovy] x3
  • “Here fishy-fishy-fishy.”
    • “Three anchovy pies.”
Tomato Sauce + Cheese + Anchovy
  • “I dunno... All this pesto business is a little fishy. I'll take my anchovies with pizza sauce, instead.”
    • “It's not worth the risk to try something new... One anchovy pizza, with tomato sauce please.”
Pesto Sauce + Cheese + Anchovy
  • “If pesto sauce can make anchovies taste good on pizza... It can make ANYTHING taste good on pizza!”
    • “Let's give it a try: one anchovy pizza, with pesto sauce please!”
Sauce + Cheese + Onion + Anchovy
  • “I need an onion and anchovy pizza to make this date memorable.”
    • “My date's favorite za is a Stinky Pete.”
  • “I need an onion and anchovy pizza to ruin this date.”
Tomato Sauce + Cheese + (Olive) + (Anchovy)
  • “I'm sharing a pizza with my cat.”
    • “I'd like half olive and half anchovies with regular red sauce.”
Cheese + Pineapple + Anchovy
  • “One pizza with a sprinkle of acidic sunshine, a wave of fish, and a dark sandy flatbread, please!”
    • “Pineapple and fish on a cheese pizza! Don't add sauce, but bake it twice!” (Run the pizza through the oven twice.)
Pesto Sauce + Cheese + Pineapple + Anchovy
  • “You know what? I'm gonna try something new: one pizza, with pesto, anchovies, and pineapple!”
    • “It might sound gross, but you never know until you try it! So, gimme a pizza with cheese, pesto, fish and pineapple.”
Sauce + Cheese + Mushroom + Pineapple + Anchovy
  • “Mushroom, anchovies, and pineapple is an odd combination.”
    • “Imma try it.”
      • “I need a pizza with sauce, cheese, mushrooms, pineapple, and anchovies.”


Sauce + Cheese + Ham
  • “I don't mean to be presumptive, but can I get a pizza with Canadian bacon?”
    • “Oh, ham is fine.”
  • “Oink! Oink! I'll take ham!”
    • “Ham, please!”
  • “I have to write an essay on Hamlet, so I'm here to do research.”
    • “Isn't that a play about ham?”
  • “I'll take a ham sammy.”
    • “Oh, you serve pizza? I'll take a ham pizza.”
  • “Gimme them meat squares.”
    • “I want that ham, fam.”
Pesto Sauce + Cheese + Ham
  • “Pizza... Pesto... Ham... Please...”
    • “So hungry... Energy low... Pesto... Ham... Cheese...”
    • “Whoops, sorry! I was blasting some music in my earpods. Can I get a pesto pizza with cheese and ham on it?”
(Tomato Sauce + Cheese + Pepperoni + Ham) + (Pesto Sauce + Cheese + Ham)
  • “Well, I love ham with pesto. But ham also goes well with salami and marinara...”
    • “Say, here's an idea! I'll take a ham pizza, half pesto, half pepperoni and red sauce!”
Sauce + Cheese + Sausage + Ham
  • “I have a hankering for ham and sausage.”
    • “Ham and sausage pizza.”
Sauce + Cheese + (Bacon + Ham)
  • “I just want half a bacon and ham pizza.”
    • “I don't care what you put on the other half, so just cheese I guess.”
Sauce + Cheese + Pepperoni + Ham
  • “Ham and pep, please!”
    • “Ham and pepperoni pizza, please!”
Sauce + Cheese + Pepperoni + Sausage + Bacon + Ham
  • “I'd like a four meat pizza, and don't try passing off anchovies as edible.”
    • “What do you mean what?”
Pepperoni + Sausage + Bacon + Ham
  • “Ever heard of pigs in a blanket? That's what I want, but pizza-style.”
    • “Usually, it's a hot dog wrapped in dough, so put all your pork toppings on a flatbread!”
(Sauce + Cheese + Olive + Onion) + (Ham)
  • “I'm a vegetarian, but my friend is an ogre. He only eats meat. Half olive and onion, half nothing but ham, please!”
    • “We'd like one pizza that's half olive and onion, and the other half just ham – not even cheese or sauce on that half!”
Sauce + Cheese + (Pepperoni + Sausage) + (Bacon + Ham)
  • “I want a pizza that is half bacon and sausage and half pepperoni and ham, but be sure to put the ham and bacon on one side and the pepperoni and sausage on the other.”
    • “I want one half ham and bacon, and one half pepperoni and sausage.”
[Sauce + Cheese + Pepperoni + Sausage] [Sauce + Cheese + Pineapple + Ham]
  • “I want two pizzas. One pepperoni and sausage, and one pineapple and ham.”
    • “One pepperoni and sausage, and one pineapple and ham.”


Sauce + Cheese + Basil
  • “People underestimate the power of basil. One basil, please.”
    • “You're one of them too, huh? One basil pizza, please.”
(Tomato Sauce) + (Cheese + Basil)
  • “Salutations. I am a visual artist. For my pizza, I would like to see a red tide lapping at the shores of a grassy coast.”
    • “I'll dumb down my ideas for the masses... again! Half sauce, half cheese and basil.”
[Pesto Sauce + Cheese + Basil] x3
  • “Basil, basil, BASIL! Did you know basil's in pesto?! Three pizzas, extra BASIL!”
    • “I want ALL THE BASIL!!! Three pizzas, with pesto! And BASIL!!!”
[Pesto Sauce + Cheese + Bell Pepper] [Pesto Sauce + Cheese + Basil]
  • “I've always liked green more than red! Two pizzas with pesto, one with bell peppers and one with basil!”
    • “Two pizzas with pesto sauce, one with peppers and one with basil. I'll make everyone green with envy!”
[Sauce + Cheese + Anchovy] [Sauce + Cheese + Basil]
  • “Big night buddy! I'm on a double date with one of my bears. One anchovy pizza and one basil pizza.”
    • “One anchovy pizza and one basil pizza, buddy!”
Sauce + Cheese + Olive + Onion + Basil
  • “I'm trying to befriend the neighborhood goat. Basil, olive, and onion, please.”
    • “Goats like basil, olive, and onions, right?”
Sauce + Cheese + Olive + Onion + Bell Pepper + Basil
  • “I need a pizza to go with my garden.”
Sauce + Cheese + (Pepperoni + Sausage + Mushroom + Bell Pepper + Basil)
  • “I want a pizza with one half cheese and the other half...”
    • “pepperoni, basil, mushroom, sausage, and peppers.”
Sauce + Cheese + Sausage + Mushroom + Basil
  • “Sausage and mushroom with a bit of basil sounds tasty.”
    • “So I'll take that.”
[Sauce + Cheese + Pepperoni + Sausage] [Sauce + Cheese + Pepperoni + Sausage + Bacon + Ham] [Sauce + Cheese + Bell Pepper + Basil]
  • “I want a Classic Meat, I want a Meat Lovers, and I want a...Green Dream!”
    • “3 cheese pizzas! The first with pep and sausages. The second with pep, sausage, bacon, and ham. The third with bell pepper and basil.”
Sauce + Cheese + (Pineapple) + (Basil)
  • “I'm going kite-flying with my friend! I don't really like pineapple on pizza, but he does. Halve it with basil on my side.”
    • “Basil and pineapple on separate sides of a cheese pizza.”
      • “Half cheese, basil, and sauce and half cheese, pineapple, and sauce. That's it.”


Sauce + Cheese + Eggplant
  • “I'm eggcited to try this new ingredient I've been hearing about!”
    • “I'm sorry, are you the place that puts eggplants on pizza?”
  • “Make me a pizza that I'll think is eggcellent!”
    • “Sorry, bad pun there. A cheese pizza with eggplant will do.”
  • “I've heard of putting cheese and marinara on eggplant to make it tasty, but not the other way round.”
    • “I suppose it's worth a try. I'll take a cheese pizza with eggplant!”
  • “I initially thought this large fruit was a vegetable, but it's actually considered a berry! Do you know what it is? Put your guess on a cheese pizza.”
    • “Fine, I'll tell you. It's an eggplant! One pizza with this tasty berry, please!”
[Sauce + Cheese + Eggplant] x2
  • “Can I get two pizzas with the... large purple tomato things?”
    • “Oh, it had a weird name. What was it... EGGPLANT! Two cheese pizzas with eggplant!”
Pesto Sauce + Cheese + Eggplant
  • “I know pesto and cheese go great together... But would they taste good with eggplant?”
    • “I guess we'll find out. One pizza with pesto sauce, cheese, and eggplant!”
  • “GO, TEAM!! Ahem--sorry. I'm practicing for today's game. One pesto pizza with eggplant, please!”
    • “If my team loses, I'm gonna need some comfort food. A cheese pizza with pesto sauce and eggplant always helps me feel better!”
Sauce + Cheese + Bacon + Eggplant
  • “I'm feeling breakfast! But I can't decide between pizza, or bacon and eggs...”
    • “Bacon and eggs... or maybe a veggie to go with the bacon? Can we meet somewhere in the middle?”
Sauce + Cheese + Sausage + Bacon + Eggplant
  • “I love some bacon, sausage, and eggs in the morning! But I can do with a healthy alternative for the eggs.”
    • “Definitely keep the meat, but how about putting some eggplant on there too?”
[Sauce + Cheese + Bacon + Eggplant] x2
  • “Can I get two carbonara pizzas, with eggplant instead of eggs?”
    • “Bacon on a cheese pizza. Usually you put an egg on it too, but eggplant will do.”
Sauce + Cheese + Anchovy + Eggplant
  • “Did you know that 98% of known fish species lay eggs?”
    • “Sorry, random factoid. I'd like an anchovy and eggplant pizza.”
Sauce + Cheese + Onion + Bell Pepper + Basil + Eggplant
  • “Do you know what ratatouille is? I want that, but on a pizza!”
    • “Oh, it's a vegetarian dish. Just put eggplants, bell peppers, onions and basil on a cheese pizza.”


Sauce + Shrimp
  • “I need a shrimp cocktail with bread for a party. But... what if I could combine the two?”
    • “Just give me a pizza with sauce and shrimp. I think that'll work!”
Sauce + Cheese + Shrimp
  • “There's a million ways to cook it. Barbecued, boiled, grilled, baked, sauteed, pan-fried, deep-fried, stir-fried...”
    • “They're delicious, no matter how you cook 'em. I've gotta have those shrimps!”
  • “So, I heard this place serves shrimp on pizza! I'll believe it when I see it.”
    • “Well? Do you have shrimp or not? I'm waiting!”
[Sauce + Cheese + Shrimp]x2
  • “I'll have two prawn pizzas, please!”
    • “It's just a couple of pizzas with prawns. Or shrimp, whatever you want to call them.”
Pesto Sauce + Cheese + Shrimp
  • “Shrimp in tomato sauce tastes really good! But maybe they would taste better with pesto?”
    • “It's worth a shot! I'll take a shrimp pizza, with pesto instead of tomato sauce!”
Sauce + Cheese + Pineapple + Shrimp
  • “People love Hawaiian pizza, but a real Hawaiian pizza uses shrimp instead.”
    • “Yeah, I said it! I want a REAL Hawaiian pizza, with shrimp and pineapple!”
  • “Have you ever had pineapple shrimp? It's delicious! I bet it'd taste even better on pizza.”
    • “I'll have a pizza with shrimp and pineapple, please!”
Sauce + Cheese + Pineapple + Anchovy + Shrimp
  • “I want to eat pineapple under the sea.”
    • “Pineapple and seafood.”
Tomato Sauce + Pepperoni + Bacon + Ham + Shrimp
  • “RED! Gotta have it red! Pink is fine, but NO CHEESE! Cheese is not red!”
    • “Make it as red as you can! Tomato sauce, pepperoni, ham, shrimp, bacon, anything red and pink!”
Sauce + Cheese + Bell Pepper + Basil + Shrimp
  • “I'll have a pizza gamberi with bell pepper and basil, please.”
    • “In case you didn't know, gamberi means shrimp in Italian!”
Sauce + Cheese + Mushroom + Onion + Shrimp
  • “Hey, do you make shrimp kabobs here? Otherwise, just put the ingredients for one on a pizza.”
    • “Well, obviously shrimp. Then, onions for the crunch and mushrooms for the earthy flavor.”
Sauce + Cheese + Olive + Bell Pepper + Pineapple + Shrimp
  • “I want a pizza covered with fruit. Including the fruit of the sea!”
    • “That's a cheese pizza with fruit, like olives, peppers and pineapple. And shrimp, the sea's fruit!”


Sauce + Cheese + Corn
  • “This might be corny to ask, but can I get a corn pizza please?”
    • “Aw, don't have a cob on... I just want some corn on my pizza.”
  • “You have corn, as a pizza topping?! That's so weird! But then again...”
    • “I suppose I've seen worse. Okay, let's give it a shot.”
  • “I've tried corn in soup, corn in bread, corn on the cob... but corn on pizza?”
    • “Just put corn on my cheese pizza, and let me be the judge.”
  • “I'll have a unicorn, please!”
    • “That's one cheese pizza, but with corn on it!”
  • “When I went to Japan last year, I had a pizza with corn in it. Glad to see you have it, too!”
    • “There aren't many pizza places that server corn pizza. This is my chance!”
  • “Hey, is it weird to ask for corn on pizza? I'm just really curious about it.”
    • “No, you know what? It's not weird. I'm excited to try corn on my pizza!”
Pesto Sauce + Cheese + Corn
  • “If I could get corn pizza with pesto sauce, that would be ah-maize-ing!”
    • “... Sorry, one pizza with pesto and corn please.”
(Tomato Sauce) + (Pesto Sauce) + Cheese + Corn
  • “Would corn taste better with tomatoes or pesto? I don't wanna get two pizzas to find out...”
    • “Hey, why don't you make a corn pizza with a pesto half and a red sauce half? Then I can have my answer!”
Sauce + Cheese + (Pineapple) + (Corn)
  • “Forget the haters, pineapple and corn belong on pizza! But maybe not at the same time...”
    • “I want both pineapple and corn. Is there a way they can be on the same pizza, but separate?”
[Sauce + Cheese + Bacon + Corn] x2
  • “I want two pizzas with corn and bacon. Crispy like bacon, too! Oh, and make them well done.”
    • “The corn's sweetness pairs so well with the savory bacon. And the crunch when it's baked twice is so satisfying! Make them well done.” (Run both pizzas through the oven twice.)
Pesto Sauce + Cheese + (Ham) + (Corn)
  • “The guy in the green shirt said ham and corn taste good with pesto. But it would be weird to mix those two together!”
    • “How about... a pizza with pesto sauce, with ham on one side and corn on the other?”


Cheese + Chicken
  • “I always complement chicken breast with cheesy flatbread. Why didn't I ever think to combine the two?”
    • “Such a good combination. Chicken and cheese, together on a bread.”
Sauce + Cheese + Chicken
  • “Winner winner, chicken dinner!”
    • “I won a couple rounds in my game. Now I'm treating myself to a chicken pizza!”
  • “Chicken parmigiana is great, but mozzarella is also perfectly acceptable.”
    • “Give me chicken with cheese and sauce, Then, put it on some pizza dough.”
  • “If I ordered a chicken pizza, there aren't any bones in it... right?”
    • “No? Good, okay. Then a cheese pizza with chicken, please.”
[Sauce + Cheese + Chicken] x3
  • “I'm loco for the pollo! Three pizzas de pollo, por favor!”
    • “Sorry, I'm crazy hungry. 3 chicken pizzas, please.”
[Tomato Sauce + Cheese + Chicken] x2
  • “I want two chicken parmesan pizzas, with lots of marinara!”
    • “Oh, no parmesan? Mozzarella will work. Just two pizzas with chicken, cheese, and red sauce.”
Pesto Sauce + Cheese + Chicken
  • “You ever had pesto pasta with chicken? I bet it'll be just as good on pizza!”
    • “I'd like a cheese pizza with pesto sauce and chicken, please!”
[Pesto Sauce + Cheese + Mushroom] [Pesto Sauce + Cheese + Olive] [Pesto Sauce + Cheese + Chicken]
  • “Three pizzas with pesto. Make one chicken, one olive, and one mushroom.”
    • “Just to be clear, each of those should be its own pizza: chicken, olives, mushrooms. But put pesto on all three.”
[Pesto Sauce + Cheese + Onion] [Pesto Sauce + Cheese + Onion + (Ham) + (Chicken)]
  • “Gimme two pizzas with pesto and onions. Oh, and on one of those pies, can you make it half ham and half chicken?”
    • “Two pesto pizzas with onions. But make one of those half ham, half chicken.”
Sauce + Cheese + Pepperoni + Sausage + Bacon + Ham + Chicken
  • “I'm going wayfinding and I need a boat snack! Chicken will do. And pork!”
    • “A cheese pizza with chicken and all your pork toppings!”
(Pesto Sauce + Cheese + Shrimp) + (Tomato Sauce + Cheese + Chicken)
  • “Can I get half chicken parm, half creamy pesto shrimp?”
    • “Sorry, I was trying to be fancy. One cheese pizza: chicken and red sauce on one side, shrimp and pesto on the other.”
Sauce + Cheese + Eggplant + Chicken
  • “What came first, the chicken or the egg... plant?”
    • “I'm not quite sure either, so just put 'em on”
Sauce + Cheese + Mushroom + Onion + Bell Pepper + Eggplant + Chicken
  • “Can you give me a cheese pizza with eggplant, bell pepper, onions, mushrooms and chicken?”
    • “Eggplant, bell pepper, onions, mushrooms and chicken. It's weird, but trust me. It's good!”
Sauce + Cheese + Corn + Chicken
  • “On my pizza, I want chicken. But also, what chickens eat!”
    • “Most chicken feed has corn in it. I guess that's kind of a useless fun fact though, isn't it?”
[Sauce + Cheese + Mushroom + Onion + Chicken] x2
  • “You know what sounds good? A pizza with chicken, mushrooms and onions. In fact, I'll have two!”
    • “Two chicken, mushroom and onion pizzas please!”
Sauce + Cheese + Pepperoni + Sausage + Bacon + Ham + Chicken
  • “I don't wanna eat any seafood today, but I want a dark crust pizza with meat!”
    • “Like I said, don't add any seafood. But a pizza with the rest of your meats sounds delicious! Double-baked!”
      • “Cheese, pepperonis, sausages, bacon, ham, chicken, and sauce. Well done. That's it.” (Run the pizza through the oven twice.)
[Sauce + Cheese + Pepperoni + Sausage + Bell Pepper + Bacon + Ham + Chicken] x3
  • “Ding, cluck, oink! Ding, cluck, oink! Ding, cluck, oink!”
    • “Those are the sounds of the toppings I want on 3 cheese pizzas! Bell pepper, chicken, and all the pork toppings you have!”
Cheese + Anchovy + Basil + Chicken
  • “Finally, I can have a chicken Caesar salad pizza!”
    • “No sauce. Just give me cheese, chicken and anchovies on dough. And basil instead of lettuce!”
Sauce + Cheese + Bacon + Corn + Chicken
  • “My mom used to make fried chicken with bacon-cheddar corn casserole. I miss her cooking...”
    • “Say, is there any way you could put some chicken, bacon, and corn on a cheese pizza?”


Cheese + Garlic
  • “Cheesy garlic bread is my favorite! Do you guys make that here?”
    • “Maybe just sprinkle some cheese on the dough and put garlic on it? That should work.”
Sauce + Cheese + Garlic
  • “Help, there's a vampire trying to suck my blood!”
    • “Don't you have anything to get rid of vampires? Stakes? Holy water? Garlic?!”
  • “My grandma ate a clove of garlic every day, and she lived to be 100!”
    • “But I can't just eat garlic cloves. I need sauce, cheese and bread too.”
[Sauce + Cheese + Garlic] x2
  • “Finally, another pizza shop that serves garlic! Gimme two garlic pizzas, please.”
    • “I'm tired of waiting hours for garllic pizzas at BDP. Two, please.”
Sauce + Cheese + Mushroom + Garlic
  • “I got a whiff of mushrooms and garlic coming in here. It gave me goosebumps... in a good way!”
    • “You know what's great about mushrooms and garlic on a pizza? They're good for you, too!”
  • “Some people don't like the smell of roasted mushrooms or garlic. I think they're wonderful together!”
    • “Please, I need those bakes mushrooms and garlic in my life right now.”
Sauce + Cheese + (Pepperoni + Sausage) + (Onion + Garlic)
  • “Alright, let's see... Garlic and onions on one side, pepperoni and sausage on the other.”
    • “Meats and stinky veggies on their own sides, but coming together in delicious harmony.”
Sauce + Cheese + Olive + Bacon + Ham + Garlic
  • “When I imagine my perfect pizza, I envision bacon. Bacon and ham. Bacon and ham and garlic. Wait, bacon and ham and garlic and olive.”
    • “If you take a cheese pizza and put bacon, ham, garlic, and olive on it, that's my perfect pizza!”
Tomato Sauce + Basil + Garlic
  • “Hey there, can I get a pizza marinara? Thank you!”
    • “A marinara pizza? It doesn’t have cheese, but it has tomato sauce, garlic and basil!”
Sauce + Cheese + Basil + Garlic
  • “Can I get a pizza bianca?”
    • “Just pile on as much cheese as you can. Then, add some garlic and basil!”
[Pesto + Cheese + Olive + Basil + Garlic] x3
  • “Gimme three pesto pizzas with olives, garlic, and basil please!”
    • “Fun fact: pesto sauce is made of garlic, basil leaves, and olive oil. That's what I want. 3 of them!”
Sauce + Cheese + (Shrimp) + (Garlic)
  • “Like peanut butter and jelly, garlic and shrimp are meant for each other... but on their own halves of bread.”
    • “I want a pizza with garlic on one side and shrimp on the other, please.”
Sauce + Cheese + Shrimp + Garlic
  • “So, lemon butter shrimp is pretty good. But... have you ever had garlic shrimp?”
    • “Oh man, what if you put garlic and shrimp... on a pizza?!”
Sauce + Cheese + Pepperoni + Corn + Garlic
  • “I'll take a Classic Pep. Add some garlic and corn, please!”
    • “Start with dough, sauce, and cheese. Then top it with pepperoni, garlic, and corn.”
[Sauce + Cheese + Chicken + Garlic] x2
  • “You can't go wrong with garlic chicken! Put that on two pizzas.”
    • “You don't have garlic chicken? Well, why not just put garlic and chicken on my two pizzas?”

Sliced Tomato

Sauce + Cheese + Sliced Tomato
  • “Hey, why didn't the sliced tomatoes cross the road?”
    • “They just couldn't cut it! HAH! One cheese pizza with sliced tomatoes, please!”
Tomato Sauce + Cheese + Sliced Tomato
  • “To-may-to, to-mah-to. It's all the same to me, just put them on my cheese pizza.”
    • “Sorry, something must have gotten lost in translation: Tomato sauce, cheese, and sliced tomatoes.”
  • “Tomatoes are the best, aren't they? Anything that's tomato and cheese, put it on my pizza!”
    • “Tomato sauce, cheese, and sliced tomatoes please!”
Pesto Sauce + Cheese + Sliced Tomato
  • “Tomatoes are red, pesto is green. When you put them together, it's a yummy cuisine!”
    • “Sorry, too hungry to rhyme anymore. One cheese pizza, with pesto and sliced tomatoes.”
(Tomato Sauce) + (Pesto Sauce) + Cheese + Sliced Tomato
  • “Sliced tomatoes on pesto sounds delicious! But then again, having them with tomato sauce makes sense...”
    • “If only I could have pesto on one side and red sauce on the other... then I could enjoy all the cheesy, tomato-y goodness!”
Sauce + Cheese + Olive + Sliced Tomato
  • “Olives and tomatoes – now THAT'S a combo I love!”
    • “Olives? Tomatoes? I'll take those on a cheese pizza.”
  • “Give me a pizza I'll love, from my head to my toes. Get it?”
    • “You didn't get it, did you? Olive? Tomatoes?”
Sauce + Cheese + Eggplant + Sliced Tomato
  • “Did you know that tomatoes and eggplants are not only fruits, but berries too? Pretty neat, huh?”
    • “If you put sliced tomatoes and eggplants on my pizza, I'll have a berry good time!”
Sauce + Cheese + Mushroom + Corn + (Pineapple + Sliced Tomato)
  • “One pizza with mushroom, pineapple, corn, and sliced tomato. Keep the acidic toppings to one side.”
    • “Sliced tomato and pineapple have pH levels below 5. Put them on one half of a cheese pizza. Mushroom and corn on both sides!”
Sauce + Cheese + Anchovy + Shrimp + Sliced Tomato
  • “Gimme a bonfire-smoked pie packed with a wave of toppings-seafood medley, sliced tomato, sauce, and cheese, pronto!” (Run the pizza through the oven twice.)
    • “Seafood toppings with sliced tomato on a cheese pizza! Run it through the fire twice.”
Sauce + Cheese + (Chicken) + (Sliced Tomato)
  • “I love chicken, but my friend doesn't. She'd prefer sliced tomatoes. Can we just cut a line in the pizza and have the toppings we want on each half?” (Cut the pizza in two slices.)
    • “Half of the pizza should have chicken, and the other half should have sliced tomatoes. Sauce and cheese all over. Two slices only.”
Chicken + (Pesto Sauce) + (Sliced Tomato)
  • “Can I have a flatbread with pesto on one side? Put sliced tomatoes and chicken on it, too. But don't let the sliced tomatoes touch the pesto sauce!”
    • “Make a flatbread with pesto sauce on half of it, sliced tomatoes on the other, and chicken on both sides!”
Sauce + Cheese + Eggplant + Garlic + Sliced Tomato
  • “Whoa, you guys have eggplant? Can I get that with sliced tomatoes and garlic?”
    • “It's a recipe I looked up online that sounded tasty. Eggplant, tomatoes and garlic!”
Sauce + Cheese + Onion + Eggplant + Garlic + Sliced Tomato
  • “I'm being culinarily creative today! I want garlic, onions, and tomatoes. Oh, and add some eggplant.”
    • “Garlic, onions, sliced tomatoes, and eggplant. I'm calling it, "Violet Aroma".”


Sauce + Cheese + Jalapeno
  • “Hello-peno!”
    • “Hi! Can you pepper my pizza with jalapenos, please?”
  • “I'm a little chili. Can you give me some jalapenos to warm me up?”
    • “A nice warm pizza with jalapenos ought to do the trick!”
  • “Hi! Can you put jalapenos all over my pizza, please?”
    • “Yep, that's all I want! Jalapenos!”
  • “I wanna get jalapeno business!”
    • “Sorry, too forward? I just wanted a jalapeno pizza.”
Sauce + Cheese + Pepperoni + Bell Pepper + Jalapeno
  • “Gimme your spiciest pizza! I want it so hot, it makes my tongue go numb!”
    • “Pepperoni and jalapenos, huh? Hmph. Not very spicy, but it'll have to do.”
Pepperoni + Bell Pepper + Jalapeno
  • “Gotta have that spicy flatbread.”
    • “You know. Flatbread with all the spicy toppings.”
[Sauce + Cheese + Mushroom + Jalapeno] x2
  • “Can I get two pizzas with jalapeno peppers and mushrooms?”
    • “They're my favorites! I want two pizzas with jalapenos and mushrooms.”
Sauce + Cheese + Bell Pepper + Jalapeno
  • “Try saying this 3 times fast: nothing beats a piece of pepper pizza!”
    • “I knew you couldn't do it! It's okay, just give me bell and jalapeno peppers on my pizza.”
  • “Nothing beats a piece of pepper pizza!”
    • “Just give me bell and jalapeno peppers on my pizza.”
Sauce + Cheese + Bacon + Jalapeno
  • “Ever had bacon-wrapped jalapeno poppers? They're so good! I wish you guys could make those here.”
    • “I love how the peppers add a kick to the gooey cheese and savory bacon! But would it be good on a pizza?”
Cheese + Bacon + Jalapeno
  • “Could you make cheesy bread with bacon and jalapenos? Oh man, I'm drooling just thinking about it.”
    • “What if you just gave me a pizza with jalapenos and bacon, no sauce?”
Sauce + Cheese + Pineapple + Jalapeno
  • “People say pineapple doesn't belong on pizza... But what if you added jalapenos?”
    • “I know, it sounds crazy... Crazy enough to work! Gimme a jalapeno and pineapple pizza!”
      • “Ok. I want cheese, pineppla, jalapenos, and sauce.”
Sauce + Cheese + Anchovy + Corn + Jalapeno
  • “Could I, uh... get a pizza with... um, anchovies and... corn and jalapenos?”
    • “Why does everyone give me that look?! I can't help it if I like fish, corn and jalapenos on my pizza!”
Sauce + Cheese + Chicken + Jalapeno
  • “Fire up the oven, because I'm hungry for a grilled chicken-jalapeno pizza!”
    • “Chicken's the best, but it's even better when you add a little heat with some chili peppers!”
[Sauce + Cheese + Chicken + Jalapeno] x2
  • “I forgot to order chicken wings for the big game today! My friend's hosting a party. Can I have two chicken pizzas with jalapeno, please?”
    • “Chicken on dough, sauce, and cheese tastes much better than chicken wings in my opinion. And add jalapeno!”
Sauce + Cheese + Chicken + (Bell Pepper + Jalapeno)
  • “Can I get a chicken-chili pepper pizza? But make one half spice-free, just to be safe.”
    • “One chicken pizza, with jalapeno and bell peppers. But I only want the peppers on one half.”
Cheese + Onion + Chicken + Sliced Tomato + Jalapeno
  • “I want a flatbread with cheese, sliced tomatoes, onion, chicken, and jalapenos. I call it the "Chicken Taco Pizza"!”
    • “It only has cheese, chicken, jalapenos, onion, and tomatoes. And when I fold a slice, it looks like a taco shell!”
Sauce + Onion + Corn + Garlic + Sliced Tomato + Jalapeno
  • “Can I get a pizza, no cheese? But let's add onions, garlic, tomatoes, jalapenos and some corn.”
    • “Onions, corn, sliced tomatoes, garlic, jalapenos... It's a corn salsa pizza!”


Sauce + Cheese + (Avocado)
  • “Half of my friends think cheese pizza doesn't need any toppings, but the other half say a cheese pizza needs avocado. I guess I'm somewhere in the middle.”
    • “Half avocado, all cheese, all sauce.”
Sauce + Cheese + Avocado
  • “Have you heard the one about the sad avocado? It was pit-iful.”
    • “Avocado, sauce, and cheese, please!”
  • “No pain, no grain! Actually, I'll give you a break this time. Just give me avocado, cheese, and sauce.”
    • “Just like I said: Avocado, cheese, and sauce!”
  • “What's up with this soft green fruit I've been hearing all about? It's the hottest thing since sliced 'za!”
    • “You're right, I do want to try it! I'll take avocado, sauce, and cheese.”
Pesto Sauce + Cheese + Avocado
  • “What did the avocado say to the pesto?”
    • “I don't know, just put them on my pizza!”
  • “I'll take that soft green fruit with matching green sauce! Make it cheesy!”
    • “Avocado on pesto and cheese, please!”
Pesto Sauce + Cheese + Bell Pepper + Avocado
  • “Have you ever seen the movie Za Wars? I heard the color of Luke Piewalker's bite-saber was inspired by a soft green fruit, a crunchy green fruit, and green sauce!”
    • “I guess I'd like a cheese pizza with pesto sauce, plus avocado and bell peppers.”
Pesto Sauce + Cheese + Mushroom + Bell Pepper + Avocado
  • “Once upon a time there was an avocado. And this avocado loved a bell pepper. So the two got married on a pesto pizza and a mushroom performed the ceremony.”
    • “Avocado, bell pepper, and mushroom on cheese and pesto. It's like something out of a fairy tale.”
Sauce + Cheese + Pineapple + Avocado
  • “I want something tropical.”
    • “Oranges? Or kiwis? Or lemons? Or pineapples? Or avocados?”
Sauce + Cheese + Anchovy + Avocado
  • “Gimme something fishy and a green fruit that's squishy.”
    • “Anchovies, avocado, sauce, and cheese!”
Pesto Sauce + Cheese + Bacon + Corn + Avocado
  • “Pesto is the best! Avocado makes me feel like I won the lotto. I was born to eat corn. And if I'm not mistaken, all these ingredients taste great with bacon.”
    • “Sorry, I was listening to Pepperonye West in the car. Just give me avocado, corn, and bacon on a cheese pizza with pesto.”
Sauce + Cheese + Bacon + Chicken + Avocado
  • “I like my chicken tasty, my bacon crispy, and my avocados fresh.”
    • “Chicken, bacon, and avocado, please.”
Tomato Sauce + Cheese + Sliced Tomato + Avocado
  • “Tomatoes are red, avocados are green, put them on pizza that's gourmet cuisine!”
    • “Red tomato slices, red tomato sauce, and green avocados. Add cheese!”
Tomato Sauce + Cheese + Onion + Garlic + Sliced Tomato + Jalapeno + Avocado
  • “I just read online how to make the perfect guacamole recipe, so now I want to try it on a cheese pizza!”
    • “Avocado, sliced tomato, onion, jalapeno, and garlic. Add tomato sauce and cheese.”


Sauce + Cheese + Truffle
  • “I need some gorgeous fungi to keep my pizza unique. Any ideas?”
    • “Well then, truffle it is.”
  • “I'll be in trouble if I don't eat some truffle on a pizza. Now.”
    • “A truffle pizza. Hurry please.”
[(Sauce + Cheese + Truffle) + (None)] x3
  • “Hello, I need three pizzas. All half truffle pizzas, nothing on the other half.”
    • “By nothing I mean no cheese or sauce, just crust.”
Sauce + Cheese + Pepperoni + Truffle
  • “You see, normally I'd take a simple pepperoni pizza. But I've heard you have good truffle here...”
    • “I'll have a truffle pepperoni pizza.”
Sauce + Cheese + Sausage + Truffle
  • “Sausage pizza is great, but do you know what's even better? Add truffle and make it extra crispy.”
    • “Or you can make a truffle pizza with sausage. Just remember to make it well done.” (Run the pizza through the oven twice.)
Sauce + Cheese + Truffle + (Anchovy + Shrimp) + (Chicken)
  • “Hey, how about a half chicken and half seafood pizza? Put truffle on both sides. I like the smell. It elevates any food.”
    • “One side chicken with truffle, the other side seafood with truffle. Don't forget the sauce and cheese.”
[Tomato Sauce + Cheese + Pepperoni + Sausage + Truffle] [Pesto + Cheese + Pepperoni + Sausage + Truffle]
  • “One pizza for me and one for my buddy, please. I think we like different sauces, but agree the pepperoni, sausage and truffle combo is rad.”
    • “I like the red sauce and my raccoon digs the green sauce.”
Sauce + Cheese + Basil + Truffle
  • “Hmm... I really want to try truffle on a basil pizza.”
    • “I believe they'll go well together!”
Sauce + Cheese + Bacon + Ham + Garlic + Truffle
  • “When you add garlic and truffle to a bacon and ham pizza, it takes it to a whole new level.”
    • “I'll show you. Bacon, ham, garlic and truffle.”
Sauce + Cheese + Onion + Sliced Tomato + Truffle
  • “Hi, I think a pizza with onions and truffles will taste very good! Oh, also add sliced tomatoes too.”
    • “Sounds tasty, doesn't it? Sauce, cheese, onions, truffles and sliced tomatoes.”
[Pesto + Cheese + Sliced Tomato + Jalapeno + Truffle] x2
  • “Pesto, sliced tomato, and jalapeno pizza. Also, add truffle. Make that two.”
    • “Two pizzas with pesto sauce, sliced tomatoes, jalapeno, and truffle.”


Sauce + Cheese + Fig
  • “Albert Einstein is my hero. He used to eat fig newtons every day to honor his hero, Isaac Newton.”
    • “I made that up. But sauce, cheese, and figs will do just fine!”
  • “The ancient Romanos believed figs could prevent aging! I really want to stay young forever, so cook it twice!”
    • “Just give me a pizza with figs, sauce, and cheese. Well done.” (Run the pizza through the oven twice.)
  • “Knock knock!”
    • “Figs!”
      • “Huh? I just wanted a fig pizza...”
  • “Did you know that figs were the first fruit crop ever cultivated? We've been eating them for over 11,000 years!”
    • “I want figs on a cheese pizza!”
[Sauce + Cheese + Fig] x2
  • “I like my figs to be as fancy as they are cheesy. Like a tuxedo t-shirt! Make two fig pizzas and make them crispy.”
    • “Two pizzas with sauce, cheese, and figs! Put them through the oven twice.” (Run the pizza through the oven twice.)
[Sauce + Cheese + Pepperoni + Sausage] [Sauce + Cheese + Fig]
  • “Four seagulls were bothering me for food earlier. I want to get them some pies! Two of them liked pep and sausage. The other two liked fig. Make two pies to satisfy them!”
    • “One a pep and sausage pizza. One fig pizza. Cut both of them in half!” (Cut each pizza into two slices.)
Sauce + Cheese + Sausage + (Fig)
  • “I want 18 sausages and 9 figs on a 6-slice pizza. Keep the figs on one side of the pizza.”
    • “There should be 18 sausages across all 6 slices of pie and 9 figs on half of the pie.”
Sauce + Cheese + Ham + Fig
  • “My mom used to pack me a ham sandwich with fig bars for lunch every day for school. They paired well together!”
    • “I'll take figs, ham, sauce, and cheese, if that's not too much trouble.”
Sauce + Cheese + Pepperoni + Sausage + Bacon + Ham + Fig
  • “Figs are my favorite topping, but I also love pork.”
    • “Could you put them all on a cheese pizza?”
[Sauce + Cheese + Mushroom + Basil + Fig] x2
  • “Hook me up with some figs, some mushrooms, and some basil. Make two of them and make them extra crispy.”
    • “Oh! And don't forget sauce and cheese!” (Run the pizza through the oven twice.)
[Pesto + Cheese + Pepperoni + Sausage + Olive + Bell Pepper + Bacon + Pineapple + Ham] x2 [Pesto + Cheese + Basil + Fig]
  • “Three pizzas with pesto. One of them should have basil and figs, two of them should be Fruity Pigs.”
    • “I'd like two Fruity Pigs and one pizza with figs and basil. Pesto and cheese on all three.”
[Cheese + Ham + Basil + Fig] x2
  • “I'm hosting a fancy dinner party tonight, so make me a pizza with prosciutto, fig, and a touch of basil. No sauce. I'll take two of them.”
    • “Prosciutto is the fanciest ham there is, and figs are the fanciest fruit. Make them cheesy, sauceless, and don't forget the basil.”
Sauce + Cheese + Basil + Corn + Chicken + Fig
  • “My favorite meal is fried chicken with corn and basil, plus sweet figs to balance the flavors.”
    • “Let's see, that would be...chicken, corn, basil, and figs!”
Pesto + Cheese + Pineapple + Jalapeno + Fig
  • “Once upon a time a dragon blew fire onto a cheesy pesto pizza with figs, jalapenos, and pineapple. It was the best pizza ever. The end.”
    • “One pesto pizza with figs, pineapple, and jalapeno. Don't forget cheese!”
[Sauce + Cheese + Pepperoni + Sausage + Bacon + Ham] [Sauce + Cheese + Basil + Jalapeno] [Sauce + Cheese + Eggplant + Fig]
  • “I'd like one pie with figs and eggplant, one pie with basil and jalapenos, and one pie with pork! Sauce and cheese on all three.”
    • “That'll be three cheese pizzas, please. One pork pizza, one with jalapenos and basil, the other with figs and eggplant!”
Tomato Sauce + Cheese + Chicken + Sliced Tomato + Jalapeno + Fig
  • “Have you ever tried a jalapeno chicken casserole with figs and tomatoes? Not even with cheese and red sauce? You're missing out!”
    • “Make my pizza like I make my favorite casserole, but make sure to add red sauce and cheese.”


Cheese + Zucchini
  • “Imagine there's no red sauce... It's easy if you try. Just cheese and zucchini... Below them only pie.”
    • “Sorry, I get carried away with my singing sometimes. I just want a cheese and zucchini flatbread.”
  • “I'm having a sleepover tonight! Gimme a cheesy flatbread with courgette.”
    • “Oh! Courgette is another word for zucchini. I don't want any sauce. Add it to yummy cheese on dough.”
Sauce + Cheese + Zucchini
  • “I just found out Doughio has a four-day festival dedicated to celebrating zucchinis. I'm booking my flight ASAP!”
    • “Zucchini, sauce, and cheese. That's all!”
Sauce + Cheese + Sausage + Zucchini
  • “What did the zucchini say to the sausage who stepped on him?”
    • “SQUASH! ... Ahem...just sauce, cheese, zucchini, and sausage, please.”
Sauce + Bell Pepper + Zucchini
  • “I've got a fever! And the only prescription is bell pepper! My pharmacist also told me to eat more zucchini with sauce, but to stay away from cheese.”
    • “Bell pepper, zucchini, sauce. No cheese.”
[Sauce + Cheese + Eggplant + Bacon + Corn + Zucchini] x2
  • “What's better than an eggplant pizza with corn, zucchini, bacon, cheese, and sauce? Two of them!”
    • “I want two cheese pizzas and each one should have eggplant, zucchini, corn, and bacon!”
Sauce + Cheese + Chicken + Garlic + Zucchini
  • “Did you know Italy is the home of pizza AND zucchini? I can't say the same about garlic and chicken, but they all taste great together!”
    • “I'll take a cheese pizza with chicken and garlic. Don't forget the zucchini!”
Sauce + Cheese + Mushroom + Onion + Sliced Tomato + Zucchini
  • “Where would I be if I were a zucchini, and my best friends were onions, mushrooms, and sliced tomatoes?”
    • “Answer: on top of cheese and sauce!”
[Pesto Sauce + Bacon + Jalapeno] [(Tomato Sauce + Cheese) + (Pesto Sauce + Zucchini)]
  • “My first pizza should have only cheese on the red sauce half and zucchini on the green sauce half. The other pizza should have green sauce and a smattering of bacon and jalapenos, but no cheese.”
    • “One pizza that is half pesto and zucchini, half red sauce and cheese. The other should have pesto, bacon, and jalapenos.”
[Sauce + Cheese + Olive + Anchovy] [Sauce + Cheese + Jalapeno + Zucchini]
  • “I'll need a Salty Sailor and one "zucchinapeno" pizza!”
    • “You know what I mean. One zucchini and jalapeno. One Salty Sailor. With sauce and cheese.”
[Pesto Sauce + Cheese + Olive + Anchovy] [Pesto Sauce + Cheese + Bell Pepper + Basil] [Pesto Sauce + Cheese + Onion + Jalapeno + Zucchini]
  • “Gimme one Green Dream, one Stinky Pete, and one onion zucchini jalapeno pie. Pesto on all three!”
    • “Three pizzas with pesto and cheese. One of them should have onions, zucchini, and jalapeno. One of them should be a Green Dream. The other, a Stinky Pete.”


Sauce + Cheese + Artichoke
  • “My heart is aching for pizza! My artichoke heart that is.”
    • “Let's keep it simple. I just want artichoke hearts, sauce, and cheese.”
[Sauce + Cheese + Artichoke] x3
  • “Artichokes were once banned in Dough York for three days. because the mafia monopolized them. In honor of those three days, I'll take three artichoke pizzas!”
    • “Three pizzas with artichokes, sauce, and cheese, of course.”
Sauce + Cheese + Onion + Artichoke
  • “When I was a kid, my older sister told me artichokes were dragon eggs, and onions made people cry because they were fossilized dragon tears.”
    • “I think I still believe her. Use both of those ingredients with sauce and cheese, please!”
Sauce + Cheese + Anchovy + Artichoke
  • “I had a dream that a giant artichoke and a giant anchovy fought each other like King Kong and Godzilla. In the end, our city burnt to a crisp.”
    • “Sauce and cheese with artichoke hearts and anchovies! Make it extra crispy, please!” (Run the pizza through the oven twice.)
Sauce + Cheese + Pepperoni + Anchovy + Artichoke
  • “Historians say that artichokes were first cultivated in 800 AD. But have they ever been combined with pepperoni and anchovies? Let's make history!”
    • “Artichoke hearts, pepperoni, and anchovies. Add sauce and cheese, please.”
[Sauce + Cheese + Pepperoni + Sausage + Artichoke] [Sauce + Cheese + Pepperoni + Sausage + Bacon + Ham + Artichoke]
  • “I'll take one Classic Meat and one Meat Lover's, but could you put some artichoke hearts on both, please?”
    • “Pepperoni and sausage on one, all red meats on the other. Artichokes on both.”
Sauce + Cheese + Bacon + Chicken + Artichoke
  • “I caught a whiff of your grilled chicken and crispy bacon, and I thought they would taste great with cheesy artichokes!”
    • “Just a cheese pizza with artichokes, chicken, and bacon.”
[Sauce + Cheese + Bell Pepper + Basil + Artichoke] [Sauce + Cheese + Pepperoni + Sausage + Bacon + Ham + Artichoke]
  • “Can you make me one Meat Lover's pizza and one Green Dream? But put artichoke on both of them!”
    • “One pizza with red meats and artichoke hearts, the other with basil, bell pepper, and artichoke. Sauce and cheese on both”
Sauce + Cheese + Garlic + Artichoke
  • “According to mythology, a god named Zeus turned a mortal woman into an artichoke. What's next, turning a man into a clove of garlic?”
    • “Artichoke, garlic, sauce, and cheese, please!”
Sauce + Cheese + Shrimp + Garlic + Artichoke
  • “Artichokes were considered food for the Gods in Ancient Greece. If I were a Greek God, I'd consider garlic and shrimp just as divine!”
    • “One cheese pizza with garlic, shrimp, and artichoke hearts.”
Sauce + Cheese + Basil + Garlic + Sliced Tomato + Artichoke
  • “In the Middle Ages, artichokes were only supposed to be eaten by royalty. Tomato, garlic, and basil are just as classy if you ask me.”
    • “So for the toppings, you should use sliced tomato, garlic, basil, and artichoke hearts. Oh, and use cheese and sauce, too!”
Sauce + Cheese + (Pepperoni) + (Zucchini + Artichoke)
  • “I want four-eighths of my pizza to have zucchini and artichoke. The other four-eighths should have pepperoni. Oh, and don't reduce the fraction.” (Cut the pizza into eight slices.)
    • “Cut my pizza into eight slices. Add zucchini and artichoke to half of it and pepperoni to the other!”
[Sauce + Cheese + Pepperoni + Sausage + Bacon + Ham + Artichoke] [Sauce + Cheese + Mushroom + Olive + Onion + Bell Pepper + Pineapple + Basil + Eggplant + Corn + Garlic + Sliced Tomato + Jalapeno + Avocado + Truffle + Fig + Zucchini + Artichoke]
  • “I'll take one Vegetarian and one Meat Lover's. But I'd like artichoke on the Meat Lover's.”
    • “The Meat Lover's should have artichoke hearts, and you already know the toppings for the other one. Cheese and sauce on both of them.”
[Pesto Sauce + Cheese + Bell Pepper + Basil] [Sauce + Cheese + Onion + Anchovy + Artichoke] [Sauce + Cheese + Mushroom + Olive + Onion + Bell Pepper + Pineapple + Basil + Eggplant + Corn + Garlic + Sliced Tomato + Jalapeno + Avocado + Truffle + Fig + Zucchini + Artichoke]
  • “I need three pizzas: one Green Dream on pesto, one Stinky Pete with artichoke hearts, and one Vegetarian.”
    • “One pizza should be a Green Dream with pesto sauce, one should have Stinky Pete toppings and artichoke hearts, and the last should be a proper Vegetarian pizza.”


  • “Peking duck is my favorite meal! I like it with steamed buns. Make me a crispy duck flatbread to emulate the delicious dish!”
    • “All I need is a flatbread with duck on top. Fire it up twice for extra crispiness!” (Run the pizza through the oven twice.)
[Sauce + Cheese + Duck] x2
  • “Duck! Double pizzas, double-baked!”
    • “Two pizzas with duck! Fire it up twice!” (Run the pizza through the oven twice.)
[Sauce + Cheese + Duck] x3
  • “Quack quack quack!”
    • “Get it? That was a duck sound! I basically said I need three duck pizzas.”
Cheese + (Pesto + Mushroom) + (Tomato Sauce + Duck)
  • “I'd like a half-and-half pizza. Different sauces on each side. Mushroom and duck on different sides. Mushroom and pesto on the same side.”
    • “Half pesto and mushroom, half duck and tomato sauce. Cheese all over!”
Sauce + Cheese + Chicken + Duck
  • “Ever heard of a Turducken before? Gimme that minus the turkey.”
    • “It's a chicken, stuffed in a duck, stuffed in a turkey. But I only want chicken and duck.”
[Sauce + Cheese + Pepperoni + Sausage + Bacon + Anchovy + Ham + Shrimp + Chicken] [Sauce + Cheese + Sliced Tomato + Duck]
  • “I like my duck with tomato! But my friend doesn't like duck, so make them a pizza with the rest of the meats you have!”
    • “Two pizzas: one with duck and tomato for me, and the other with all the meats you have except duck for my friend!”
Sauce + Cheese + Fig + Duck
  • “I had the most delicious roast duck with a balsamic fig glaze when I went to France! I only wished it didn't have balsamic in it...and that it was on a pizza...”
    • “I think the dish would've tasted better with only duck and fig. With sauce and cheese instead of balsamic vinegar.”
Sauce + Cheese + Zucchini + Duck
  • “I love Cucurbita pepo. If I can't have it, I'll opt for Anas platyrhynchos. Good thing you have both!”
    • “The scientific name for zucchini is Cucurbita pepo and duck is Anas platyrhynchos! Put them on a pizza!”
Sauce + Cheese + Sliced Tomato + Zucchini + Duck
  • “I'm on a diet, but it's my cheat day and I want a duck pizza. Add some tomato and zucchini to make it a little healthier. Uncut.”
    • “I want duck, sliced tomato, and zucchini on my pizza! Don't cut it.”
Sauce + Cheese + Artichoke + Duck
  • “I don't want my friends to know I'm here, but make me an artichoke pizza swimming with duck. Sliced twice.”
    • “All my friends hate artichoke! I love it. Just give me some with duck. Cut it into four slices.” (Cut the pizza into four slices.)
Sauce + Cheese + Pepperoni + Sausage + Olive + Bell Pepper + Bacon + Artichoke + Duck
  • “Gimme a Fruity Pig. But with duck instead of ham and artichoke instead of pineapple.”
    • “I hope you don't mind a couple of substitutions. I want a pizza with pep, sausage, olive, bell pepper, bacon, duck, and artichoke!”
[Sauce + Cheese + Pepperoni + Bell Pepper + Jalapeno + Zucchini + Artichoke + Duck] x3
  • “Tonight's a three pizza kind of night. Make 'em spicy and make 'em quacky! And why not throw in some artichoke and zucchini while you're at it?”
    • “Top three pizzas with duck, artichoke, and zucchini! Add all of your spicy toppings, too!”
Sauce + Cheese + Sausage + Duck
  • “I want duck and sausage right now!”
    • “A cheese pizza with duck and sausage. Please.”
Sauce + Cheese + Pepperoni + Duck
  • “Pep and duck. That's it. That's the order.”
    • “I want pepperoni and duck on a cheese pizza.”

Named recipes

Breakfast Pizza

Sauce + Cheese + Sausage + Mushroom + Onion + Bacon + Ham
  • “I wanted an everything omelette, but since this is a pizza place, I'll take a breakfast pizza.”
    • “Onion, mushroom, sausage, bacon, ham. You know? Omelette stuff?”


Pesto Sauce + Cheese + Basil + Garlic + Sliced Tomato
  • “Ooh, I'll have the bruschetta with pesto!”
    • “Huh? Not on the menu? But you have everything: pesto, bread, cheese, sliced tomatoes, garlic and basil!”


Cheese + Basil + Sliced Tomato
  • “Can I get a caprese pizza? But no sauce, not even olive oil or vinegar.”
    • “Caprese is simple: sliced tomatoes, mozzarella and basil.”


Sauce + Cheese + Mushroom + Olive + Ham + Artichoke
  • “” (Currently for ZaZoom only. No customer dialect for this order as of yet.)
Pesto Sauce + Cheese + Mushroom + Olive + Ham
  • “I want a capricciosa pizza with pesto, but I don't like artichokes... I'll have everything else on it, please.”
    • “So, that would be ham, mushrooms, and olives. And don't forget, I want it with pesto sauce.”

Classic Greek

Tomato Sauce + Cheese + Olive + Onion + Bell Pepper + Basil
  • “” (Currently for ZaZoom only. No customer dialect for this order as of yet.)

Classic Meat

Sauce + Cheese + Pepperoni + Sausage
  • “Feels like an all meat pizza kind of day. Not the fancy meats though.”
    • “Just sausage and pepperoni. The classic meats.”
  • “Can I have a Classic Meat cut in half?” (Cut the pizza in two slices.)
    • “It's pepperoni and sausage on a cheese pizza cut into two big slices!”
  • “I'll fly a pizza kite up to the highest height! Make it a Classic. I want more than two slices, but make them as big as you can!”
    • “Each slice is going to be a kite. I don't know how flying a pep and sausage pizza will go, so give me four slices to try it out!” (Cut the pizza into four slices.)
[Mushroom] [Sauce + Cheese + Pepperoni + Sausage]
  • “I'll have a mushroom flatbread and a Classic Meat.”
    • “I want mushroom on plain dough and pepperoni and sausage on a cheese pizza.”
Sauce + Cheese + Pepperoni + Sausage + Fig
  • “For as much as I love fancy figs, I love some good old fashioned classic meat. What should I do if I want to eat both at the same time?”
    • “You're right, I should just get fig, pep, and sausage all on one pizza!”
Wheat Dough + Tomato Sauce + Cheese + Pepperoni + Sausage + Bell Pepper + Jalapeno + Zucchini
  • “I'd like a classic meat on classic wheat with a classic zucchini treat and peppers with that classic heat!”
    • “Pepperoni, sausage, zucchini, and all the peppers you have. Put it on wheat dough with red sauce and cheese.”


Sauce + Sausage + Onion + Basil + Corn + Garlic + Artichoke
  • “I just got back from the Pyramids and really crave a Feteer.. Do you have anything like that?”
    • “It's pie that has sausages, chicken, sauces, and vegetables on thin buttery dough. No cheese!”

Fruity Pig

[Sauce + Cheese + (Pepperoni + Sausage + Bacon + Ham) + (Olive + Bell Pepper + Pineapple)] x2
  • “Can I have two Fruity Pig pizzas, please? But I don't want the fruits or meats touching each other.”
    • “I'm picky, okay? Make two pizzas. Pepperoni, sausage, bacon, and ham on half of it. Olive, bell pepper, and pineapple on the other.”
[Sauce + Cheese + Pepperoni + Sausage + Olive + Bell Pepper + Bacon + Pineapple + Ham] x3
  • “I'm having a luau, but I don't want a traditional Hawaiian pizza; I want three of your ultimate Fruity Pig pies.”
    • “Put pepperoni, sausage, ham, and bacon on the pizza along with olives, bell peppers, and pineapple. Three of these Fruity Pig pizzas please!”
[Sauce + Cheese + Pepperoni + Sausage + Olive + Bell Pepper + Bacon + Pineapple + Ham + Fig] x2
  • “I want two Fruity Pigs, but don't forget to add the figs!”
    • “Two Fruity Pigs with sauce and cheese, but can you make sure to add figs to both, please?”
Sauce + Cheese + Pepperoni + Sausage + Olive + Bell Pepper + Bacon + Pineapple + Ham + Artichoke
  • “I love the fruitiness of a Fruity Pig, but I'd like to upgrade it with some veggie flavor. Can you make that with artichoke hearts?”
    • “A Fruity Pig with artichoke hearts.”

Green Dream

Sauce + Cheese + Bell Pepper + Basil
  • “Gimme a Green Dream.”
    • “Put bell peppers and basil on a pizza! That's a Green Dream!”
[Sauce + Cheese + Bell Pepper + Basil + Avocado] x2
  • “I want two green dreams with avocado.”
    • “I want everything you'd find on a green dream, along with all your fresh avocado.”

Half Salty Sailor, half Fruity Pig

Sauce + Cheese + Olive + (Anchovy) + (Pepperoni + Sausage + Bacon + Pineapple + Ham)
  • “I need a pizza that's one half Salty Sailor and the other half Fruity Pig, but I don't want any ingredient you'd find on a Green Dream.”
    • “Half olive and anchovies, and half olive, pepper, pineapple, pepperoni, sausage, ham, and bacon. But hold the pepper.”

Hawaiian Pizza

[Sauce + Cheese + Ham + (Pineapple)] x2
  • “Can I get two Hawaiian pizzas? But put pineapple on one half only for each.”
    • “My friends say that pineapple on pizza is gross, so put it only on one side. Ham on both, though.”
Sauce + Cheese + Pineapple + Ham
  • “a bite of pizza
    so sweet and so savory
    tastes of Hawaii”
    • “I just wrote that haiku! Like it? It basically means I want a pineapple and ham pizza.”
Sauce + Cheese + Pineapple + Ham + Shrimp
  • “Hawaiian pizza is great, but I don't understand why they never put shrimp on it!”
    • “Well, shrimp is popular in Hawaii and it tastes great! Probably with pineapple and ham too.”
Pesto Sauce + Cheese + Pineapple + Ham
  • “If you thought Hawaiian pizza was a hot debate... How about Hawaiian pizza with PESTO SAUCE?!”
    • “That's right, we're getting a little NUTS! I want a pizza with pesto, pineapples, and ham!”
[Sauce + Cheese + Pineapple + Bacon + Ham + Jalapeno] x2
  • “2 Hawaiians, with bacon and jalapenos.”
    • “Yeah, you heard that right: two ham, pineapple, bacon, and jalapeno pizzas.”
Sauce + Cheese + Pineapple + Ham + Jalapeno
  • “I'll have one Hawaiian pizza with jalapenos, please!”
    • “The salty ham and sweet pineapples balance out the peppers' heat so nicely!”
[Wheat Dough + Pesto Sauce + Cheese + Pineapple + Ham] [Wheat Dough + Sauce + Cheese + Pineapple + Ham + Artichoke]
  • “Two Hawaiian pizzas. One should have artichoke hearts, and the other should use green sauce. Oh, and both of those should be on wheat!”
    • “Two cheese pizzas with Hawaiian toppings on wheat. Add artichoke to one and green sauce to the other.”

House Special

Starting Chapter 4, you will be able to make your own house special recipe and cook it.

House Special
  • “I'm in too big of a rush to be choosey, so I'll just take whatever your house special is.”
    • “I don't have time to spell it out. Just one house special.”
  • “I want to know what makes House Special so special.”
    • “It's called the house special, but only my taste buds will determine if it's really all that special!”
  • “I love going to different pizzerias to see what sort of house specials they have!”
    • “Yours looks great, I'll take one!”
  • “One House Special.”
    • “That's the house special pizza, isn't it?”
  • “Oh, this looks tasty, House Special please.”
    • “I would like the pizza that's on your special menu.”
  • “I've never heard of a House Special before!”
    • “I like trying new things! One house special, please and thank you.”
  • “Hi, I would like to have a House Special!”
    • “Just a house special!”
  • “I don't know, House Special seems a little too wild for me.”
    • “I should be more adventurous though! I'll take one!”
House Special x2
  • “House special! House special!”
    • “Oh sorry that wasn't a chant, I'd just like two house specials please.”
  • “House Special looks so good, I want one for now and one for later!”
    • “So I guess I'll take two house specials!”
  • “You have a house special now? I'd like two of them!”
    • “Two house special pizzas!”
  • “I'm so hungry I could eat two houses!”
    • “But to be safe I'll just take two house specials instead.”

Joker Pizza

Sauce + Cheese + Pepperoni + Bell Pepper + Eggplant
  • “HAHAHAHA!!! I’ll have the Joker pizza!”
    • “Hehe, why so serious? It’s easy! Green peppers, purple eggplant, red pepperonis!”


Sauce + Cheese + Pepperoni + Sausage + Onion + Basil + Corn + Garlic + Artichoke
  • “What can you find in the pearl of the Mediterranean Sea? It's Kebda!”
    • “It's a type of beef liver sandwich. Maybe a pizza with pepperonis, sausage, and vegetables would taste similar?”


Cheese + Sausage
  • “I miss having breakfast in my hometown. Could you possibly make me a manakish?”
    • “It's also coined the "Arabic Pizza", simply with regular dough, cheese and sausage only!”


Tomato Sauce + Cheese + Basil
  • “Why do people always have such complicated orders? "No pain, no grain" sounds ridiculous! No way that tastes good. A simple Margherita is enough for me.”
    • “What can I say? I'm a pizza purist! Dough, sauce, cheese, and basil are all I need.”
[Tomato Sauce + Basil] x2
  • “Can I get two margherita pizzas? Oh, and I don't need that messy, gooey cheese mucking it up...”
    • “All I want is two pizzas with tomato sauce and basil.”
Tomato Sauce + Cheese + Bacon + Basil
  • “Top some of that salty bacon you have on a Margherita pizza, please!”
    • “B-A-C-O-N! On dough, tomato sauce, cheese, and basil.”
Tomato Sauce + Cheese + Basil + Zucchini
  • “I hear you have the freshest zucchinis in town. But how do they taste on a Margherita pizza?”
    • “That'll be one Margherita pizza with zucchini!”

Meat Lover's

Tomato Sauce + Cheese + Pepperoni + Sausage + Bacon + Ham
  • “I'll take a Meat Lover's. And make sure you use red sauce!”
    • “Pepperoni, sausage, ham, bacon? Heck, even cheese tastes SO much better with red sauce!”
[Tomato Sauce + Cheese + Pepperoni + Sausage + Bacon + Ham] x2 [Pesto + Cheese + Pepperoni + Sausage + Bacon + Ham]
  • “I'll take 3 Meat Lovers pizzas. Make one with pesto sauce.”
    • “Three cheese pizzas with pep, sausage, bacon, and ham. Use pesto sauce instead of tomato sauce for one of them.”
Sauce + Cheese + Pepperoni + Sausage + Olive + Bacon + Ham
  • “My favorite pizza is a Meat Lover's, but I like olives too. Can you add those?”
    • “So, I want pork toppings: pepperoni, sausage, ham, and bacon. But add olives, too!”
Pesto Sauce + Cheese + Pepperoni + Sausage + Bell Pepper + Bacon + Ham + Basil
  • “My favorite pizza is the Meat Lover's, but my partner says I need to eat more greens.”
    • “I know! I'll get my usual pepperoni, sausage, bacon, and ham. But add some basil and bell peppers, and use pesto sauce instead!”
Sauce + Cheese + Pepperoni + Sausage + Bacon + Ham + Jalapeno
  • “The Meat Lover's is my go-to, but I wanna spice things up a little. Can I get it with jalapenos?”
    • “That'd be a pepperoni, sausage, bacon and ham pizza with jalapenos, please!”
Sauce + Cheese + Pepperoni + Sausage + Bacon + Ham + Zucchini
  • “I was at my uncle's farm last week and saw a zucchini the size of a pig! It inspired me to try a Meat Lover's pizza with zucchini!”
    • “In other words, I'll take zucchini with pepperoni, sausage, ham and bacon. Not to mention sauce and cheese.”
[Pesto Sauce + Cheese + Pepperoni + Sausage + Bacon + Ham] [Pesto Sauce + Cheese + Jalapeno + Zucchini]
  • “One pie with zucchini and jalapenos, one Meat Lover. Both pies should have pesto and cheese.”
    • “Pesto, cheese, zucchini, and jalapenos on one pizza. Pesto, cheese, and Meat Lover's toppings for the other.”


Sauce + Cheese + Basil + Sliced Tomato
  • “Neapolitan is my favorite ice cream flavor, and it's my favorite pizza too!”
    • “It's simple! It's just a regular cheese pizza, but you put tomatoes and basil on top of it.”


Olive + Onion + Anchovy
  • “” (Currently for ZaZoom only. No customer dialect for this order as of yet.)

Pork Pie

Pepperoni + Sausage + Bacon + Ham
  • “I'd like a pork pie. Don't bother with sauce or cheese or fishy stuff.”
    • “I just want pork products on bread.”


Pesto Sauce + Cheese + Olive + Anchovy + Garlic
  • “You guys don't have pasta, right? But what about if you made a pizza puttanesca instead?”
    • “Well, forget about the capers. Just put on anchovies, olives and garlic, and there you have it!”
  • “Yay! I can finally try a puttanesca pizza with pesto!”
    • “Oh right, you might not have it on the menu... Can you make a pizza with anchovies, garlic, olives, cheese, and pesto sauce?”

Salty Sailor

Sauce + Cheese + Olive + Anchovy
  • “I'll take a Salty Sailor.”
    • “That's an olive and anchovies pizza.”
  • “I'll eat a Salty Sailor cut into 8 slices!”
    • “Olive and anchovy, please! Cut it in half four times.”
[Sauce + Cheese + Olive + Anchovy] x2
  • “I once met a sailor who loved olives. He liked his pizzas cut in half, but he always needed four servings!”
    • “Two Salty Sailor pizzas. Two Slices!”
[Sauce + Cheese + Olive + Anchovy] x3
  • “Salty Sailor pizzas, please. Four slices, but make enough for twelve people. One slice per person.”
    • “Olive and anchovy! Make three of them with 4 slices each!”

Stinky Pete

Sauce + Cheese + Onion + Anchovy
  • “I need an onion and anchovy pizza to make this date memorable.”
    • “My date's favorite za is a Stinky Pete.”
  • “I need an onion and anchovy pizza to ruin this date.”
    • “If I am not allergic to garlic, then I'd have ordered a Stinky Pete za.”
  • “What stinks?! Is Pete here? Wait-it smells exactly like the pizza I wanted to order!”
    • “A Stinky Pete! Hmm, I wonder if Pete knows there's a pizza named after him... Anyway, onion and anchovy on a cheesy pie, please!”

Supreme Pizza

Sauce + Cheese + Pepperoni + Sausage + Mushroom + Olive + Onion + Bell Pepper
  • “I'll take a basil-less supreme.”
    • “Yeah. Pep and saus. Veggies. No basil.”
  • “One wombo combo!”
    • “Pepperoni, yes! Sausage, yes! Onions, yes! Olives, yes! Mushrooms, yes! Peppers, yes!”
  • “I'll take Pepperoni... and sausage... and... mushroom... and onion... and olives...... and... bell peppers...”
    • “pep.. saus... mush... on... ol... bell peps...”
  • “I need that deluxe pizza.”
    • “Deluxe? Supreme? Whatever. Just gimme that pepperoni, sausage, onions , bell peppers, olives, mushrooms.”
  • “That super duper supreme extreme.”
    • “Pepperoni, sausage, cheese, onions, bell peppers, sauce, olives, mushrooms”
  • “Could I get the supreme pizza.”
    • “The supreme pizza. Pepperoni, sausage, onions, bell peppers, olives, mushrooms.”
  • “I'll take a supreme.”
    • “Yeah. Sauce, cheese, pepperoni, sausage, mushroom, olive, onion, and bell pepper.”
Pesto Sauce + Cheese + Pepperoni + Sausage + Mushroom + Olive + Onion + Bell Pepper
  • “I love how the supreme pizza has so many different flavors. But I bet it'd taste even better with pesto!”
    • “I want a pesto cheese pizza with pepperoni, sausage, mushrooms, olives, onions, and bell peppers.”
(Tomato Sauce) + (Pesto Sauce) + Cheese + Pepperoni + Sausage + Mushroom + Olive + Onion + Bell Pepper
  • “I can't decide if a supreme pizza would taste better with pesto or pizza sauce. Can I get one half/half?”
    • “That's pepperoni, sausage, onions, olives, mushrooms, and bell peppers. But make one half pesto, one half red sauce.”
[Sauce + Cheese + Sausage + Mushroom + Olive + Onion + Bell Pepper + (Pepperoni)] [Sauce + Cheese + Pepperoni + Sausage + Mushroom + Olive + Onion + Bell Pepper]
  • “Two orders of the supreme pizzas, but half of one of them should have no pepperoni!”
    • “Pepperoni, sausage, onions, bell peppers, olives, mushrooms on two pizzas. Except for that one half. Don't put pepperoni on that.”
[Sauce + Cheese + Pepperoni + Sausage + Mushroom + Olive + Onion + Bell Pepper] x2
  • “I'm going to a sleepover, but I wanna bring my own snacks. Two Supreme pizzas, please.”
    • “Sharing is caring. I'll share two pizzas with pep, sausage, mushroom, olive, onion, and bell pepper with my friends!”
[Tomato Sauce + Cheese + Pepperoni + Sausage + Mushroom + Olive + Onion + Bell Pepper] x2
  • “Man, that kid in the red shirt got me starving for pizza. I'll have 2 supremes, please!”
    • “Two pizzas with pepperoni, sausage, onions, olives, mushrooms, bell peppers... oh, and tomato sauce!”
Tomato Sauce + Cheese + (Pepperoni + Sausage) + (Mushroom + Olive + Onion + Bell Pepper)
  • “That guy is right... A supreme pizza DOES sound better with tomato sauce. But I still like separating the meats and everything else in halves.”
    • “Just make it a marinara cheese pizza, with pepperoni and sausage on one side. Put the mushrooms, bell peppers, onions, and olives on the other half.”
[Sauce + Cheese + Pepperoni + Sausage + Mushroom + Olive + Onion + Bell Pepper] x3
  • “Are you watching the game today? A bunch of my friends are coming over to watch it, so I'll need three Supreme pizzas!”
    • “I hope my team wins! Anyway, give me three pizzas with pep, sausage, mushroom, olive, onion, and bell pepper.”
Sauce + Cheese + Pepperoni + Sausage + Mushroom + Olive + Onion + Bell Pepper + Jalapeno
  • “These days, I can't resist a pizza. Like a Supreme with jalapeno!”
    • “A Supreme is a cheese pizza topped with pep, sausage, mushroom, olive, onion, and bell pepper. But it tastes even better with jalapeno!”
Sauce + Cheese + Pepperoni + Sausage + Mushroom + Olive + Onion + Bell Pepper + Duck
  • “Duck Supreme!!!”
    • “I want a pep, sausage, mushroom, olive, onion, and bell pepper. Don't forget the duck!”

Variable recipes


Tomato Sauce + Mushroom + Olive + Onion + Bell Pepper + Pineapple + Basil + Eggplant + Corn + Garlic + Sliced Tomato + Jalapeno + Avocado + Truffle + Fig + Zucchini + Artichoke
  • “No, I don't have vegan powers... Can I just get a vegan pizza?”
    • “Ugh... mushrooms, fruits and veggies. No cheese.”
  • “Vegan pizza, please.”
    • “All fruits and veggies and fungi, but no cheese.”
  • “You know what the best thing about vegan pizza is? You really get to savor the flavor of the tomato sauce!”
    • “Who needs meat and cheese? Not me! I'm good with fruits, veggies, fungi, and that tasty tomato-ey goodness!”
  • “Everything here looks so delicious, but my stomach is weak to any meat or cheese...”
    • “I guess I meant a vegan pizza. Just veggies, fruits, and fungi.”
  • “Rumor has it Leonardi DoughVinci and Piethagoras were both vegans who loved artichokes! I want to follow in their footsteps!”
    • “That'll be a cheeseless pizza with all vegan toppings!”
  • “One perfectly made vegan pizza!”
    • “Skip the cheese and meats. One pizza with sauce and all your fruits, veggies, and fungi will do!”
Tomato Sauce + Mushroom + Olive + Onion + Bell Pepper + Pineapple + Eggplant + Corn + Garlic + Sliced Tomato + Jalapeno + Avocado + Truffle + Fig + Zucchini + Artichoke
  • “I'm going to need a vegan pizza, but no basil.”
    • “All veggies, fruits, fungi, and no cheese. No basil either.”
Tomato Sauce + Mushroom + Olive + Onion + Bell Pepper + Pineapple + Basil + Eggplant + Corn + Garlic + Sliced Tomato + Jalapeno + Avocado + Truffle + Fig + Zucchini + (Artichoke)
  • “A vegan pizza, but keep the artichokes to one side.”
    • “All of your fruit, veggie, and fungi toppings! No cheese. Artichokes on one half only.”
Tomato Sauce + Mushroom + Olive + Onion + Pineapple + Eggplant + Corn + Garlic + Sliced Tomato + Truffle + Fig + Artichoke
  • “Give me a vegan pizza. Oh, and I hate the color green.”
    • “Basically all of your fruit, veggie, and fungi except for your green toppings. No cheese!”


Sauce + Cheese + Mushroom + Olive + Onion + Bell Pepper + Pineapple + Basil + Eggplant + Corn + Garlic + Sliced Tomato + Jalapeno + Avocado + Truffle + Fig + Zucchini + Artichoke
  • “Can I get an all veggie pizza, please?”
  • “Vegetarian pizza.”
    • “Veggies... fruits... mushrooms...”
[Sauce + Cheese + Mushroom + Olive + Onion + Bell Pepper + Pineapple + Basil + Eggplant + Corn + Garlic + Sliced Tomato + Jalapeno + Avocado + Truffle + Fig + Zucchini + Artichoke] x2
  • “Vegetarian pizza. Double that order.”
    • “Two pizzas with veggies, fruits and fungi.”
Sauce + Cheese + Mushroom + Olive + Onion + Pineapple + Basil + Eggplant + Corn + Garlic + Sliced Tomato + Jalapeno + Avocado + Truffle + Fig + Zucchini + Artichoke
  • “I need an all veggie pizza! But can I not have any bell peppers.”
Sauce + Cheese + Mushroom + Olive + Onion + Eggplant + Corn + Garlic + Sliced Tomato + Jalapeno + Avocado + Truffle + Fig + Zucchini + Artichoke
  • “I need a vegetarian pizza! But I don't want any pineapple, bell pepper or basil.”
Sauce + Cheese + Mushroom + Olive + Onion + Pineapple + Eggplant + Corn + Garlic + Sliced Tomato + Truffle + Fig + Artichoke + (Bell Pepper + Basil + Jalapeno + Avocado + Zucchini)
  • “I need a vegetarian pizza but make sure all of the green ingredients are only on one side.”
Wheat Dough + Sauce + Cheese + Mushroom + Olive + Onion + Bell Pepper + Pineapple + Basil + Eggplant + Corn + Garlic + Sliced Tomato + Jalapeno + Avocado + Truffle + Fig + Zucchini + Artichoke
  • “Whole wheat works; no meat.”
    • “A works pizza minus the meat; on whole wheat.”

Fruit pizza

Sauce + Cheese + Olive + Bell Pepper + Pineapple + Eggplant + Sliced Tomato + Jalapeno + Avocado + Fig + Zucchini
  • “A fruit pizza should be enough to fill my belly for now.”
    • “Who loves fruit? Me! Place all your available fruits on dough, sauce, and cheese!”
  • “The sun is really shining bright today! I need to take cover under a pizza umbrella decorated with fruits.”
    • “A cheese pizza with all your fruits, please!”
[Sauce + Cheese + Olive + Bell Pepper + Pineapple + Eggplant + Sliced Tomato + Jalapeno + Avocado + Fig + Zucchini] x2
  • “Cheering for my favorite team during today's game made me so hungry! I had to come here for two fruit pizzas.”
    • “Top two cheese pizzas with all the fruits you have available. I'm starving!”
  • “Can I have two sun-kissed fruity pies?”
    • “Two dark crust pizzas with sauce, cheese, and all your fruit!”
      • “Cheese, olives, bell peppers, pineapple, eggplants, sliced tomatoes, jalapenos, avocado, figs, zucchini, and sauce for one, and cheese, olives, bell peppers, pineapple, eggplants, sliced tomatoes, jalapenos, avocado, figs, zucchini, and sauce for the other. Make them well done. That's it.” (Run the pizza through the oven twice.)
[Sauce + Cheese + Pepperoni + Sausage + Olive + Bell Pepper + Pineapple + Eggplant + Sliced Tomato + Jalapeno + Avocado + Fig + Zucchini] x2
  • “If you would be so kind as to make two Classic Meats with all your fruits?”
    • “Put pepperoni, sausage, and all your available fruit on a pie. Double the order!”
Wheat Dough + Sauce + Cheese + Olive + Bell Pepper + Pineapple + Eggplant + Sliced Tomato + Jalapeno + Avocado + Truffle + Fig + Zucchini
  • “Do you have wheat dough? Okay, I kind of want something new. Ehh, maybe an all-fruit pizza, but with some black diamonds?”
    • “I mean truffle. All fruit pizza with truffle. The diamond of the kitchen, you know!”


Sauce + Cheese + Pepperoni + Sausage + Mushroom + Olive + Onion + Bell Pepper + Bacon + Pineapple + Anchovy + Ham + Basil + Eggplant + Shrimp + Corn + Chicken + Garlic + Sliced Tomato + Jalapeno + Avocado + Truffle + Fig + Zucchini + Artichoke + Duck
  • “I'll take an All-Dressed pizza.”
    • “No, not the Montreal All-Dressed. I mean everything!”

One with everything, one with nothing

[Sauce + Cheese + Pepperoni + Sausage + Mushroom + Olive + Onion + Bell Pepper + Bacon + Pineapple + Anchovy + Ham + Basil + Eggplant + Shrimp + Corn + Chicken + Garlic + Sliced Tomato + Jalapeno + Avocado + Truffle + Fig + Zucchini + Artichoke + Duck] [None]
  • “Uh, I'm not very hungry. Just gimme a pizza with everything and another with nothing.”
    • “One pizza with all your toppings! And a flatbread on the side, please.”


[Sauce + Cheese + Mushroom + Olive + Bell Pepper + Pineapple + Anchovy + Eggplant + Shrimp + Sliced Tomato + Jalapeno + Avocado + Truffle + Fig + Zucchini + Artichoke] x2
  • “I'd like a pair of pescatarian pizzas with no vegetables.”
    • “Two pizza with fruits, mushrooms, and seafood.”
[Sauce + Cheese + Mushroom + Olive + Onion + Bell Pepper + Pineapple + Anchovy + Basil + Eggplant + Shrimp + Corn + Garlic + Sliced Tomato + Jalapeno + Avocado + Truffle + Fig + Zucchini + Artichoke] x2
  • “I'll need two pescatarian pizzas, please.”
    • “I'll break it down for ya. Two cheese pizzas with everything except for your land meats!”

All meats

Sauce + Cheese + Pepperoni + Sausage + Bacon + Anchovy + Ham + Shrimp + Chicken + Duck
  • “What's the best meat on pizza? I'll try them all!”
    • “Gimme a cheese pizza with all the meat toppings you got.”
Pesto Sauce + Cheese + Pepperoni + Sausage + Bacon + Anchovy + Ham + Shrimp + Chicken + Duck
  • “I really, really, really want a pesto pizza with all the meats!”
    • “Let me break it down for you. Dough, pesto sauce, cheese, and every meat topping you have!”
Sauce + Cheese + Pepperoni + Sausage + Bacon + Anchovy + Ham + Shrimp + Chicken + Avocado + Duck
  • “I'm here for avocado! On a cheesy, meaty pizza!”
    • “Throw all your meats on dough, sauce, and cheese. Add some avocado, too.”
Pesto Sauce + Cheese + Pepperoni + Sausage + Bacon + Anchovy + Ham + Shrimp + Chicken + Artichoke + Duck
  • “I want a pizza that has all the meats plus artichoke hearts. Add green sauce.”
    • “A pesto pizza with red meats, seafood, chicken, and artichoke hearts.”
Wheat Dough + Sauce + Cheese + Pepperoni + Sausage + Bacon + Anchovy + Ham + Shrimp + Chicken + Duck
  • “Please heat sweet wheat with meat for me to eat.”
    • “Meat pizza on whole wheat.”

Meat and cheese

Cheese + Pepperoni + Sausage + Bacon + Ham + Chicken + Duck
  • “Meat and cheese. No sauce. No seafood.”
    • “No mushrooms either.”

Pork flatbread

Pepperoni + Sausage + Bacon + Ham + Avocado
  • “I want a flatbread with nothing but toppings that oink! And avocado. Bake it extra hot!”
    • “Dough with all your red meats. Don't forget avocado! Dark crust!” (Run the pizza through the oven twice.)

One with fruits, one veggies and sauce, one meat and cheese

[Sauce + Cheese + Olive + Bell Pepper + Pineapple + Eggplant + Sliced Tomato + Jalapeno + Avocado + Fig + Zucchini] [Sauce + Onion + Basil + Corn + Garlic + Artichoke] [Cheese + Pepperoni + Sausage + Bacon + Anchovy + Ham + Shrimp + Chicken + Duck]
  • “Three pizzas. One with fruits, one veggies and sauce, and one meat and cheese.”
    • “First one's fruits. Then, a cheeseless veggie pizza. Lastly, gimme all your meats on just cheese.”

No pain, no grain

Sauce + Cheese + Pepperoni + Sausage + Mushroom + Olive + Onion + Bell Pepper + Bacon + Pineapple + Anchovy + Ham + Basil + Eggplant + Shrimp + Chicken + Garlic + Sliced Tomato + Jalapeno + Avocado + Truffle + Fig + Zucchini + Artichoke + Duck
  • “No pain, no grain!”
    • “As in, grains give me stomach pain! So give me everything but wheat dough and corn.”

Lactose intolerant

Sauce + Pepperoni + Sausage + Mushroom + Olive + Onion + Bell Pepper + Bacon + Pineapple + Anchovy + Ham + Basil + Eggplant + Shrimp + Corn + Chicken + Garlic + Sliced Tomato + Jalapeno + Avocado + Truffle + Fig + Zucchini + Artichoke + Duck
  • “I'm lactose intolerant, but I like everything else.”
    • “I want everything but the cheese.”
  • “I’m here with a friend who wants to try every ingredient. But leave of the cheese; she’s lactose intolerant.”
Sauce + Pepperoni + Sausage + Mushroom + Olive + Bell Pepper + Bacon + Pineapple + Ham + Eggplant + Chicken + Sliced Tomato + Jalapeno + Fig + Zucchini + Duck
  • “I'm allergic to all types of seafood and I'm lactose intolerant. Oh, I don't like veggies either. Everything else is fair game!”
    • “Just gimme a pizza with all your fruit and fungi. Add all your meats except seafood. No cheese!”

Pizza with smelly toppings

Sauce + Cheese + Onion + Anchovy + Garlic
  • “I'm entering a bad breath contest. Can I get a pizza with smelly toppings?”
    • “Anything that is smelly!”
  • “Do you smell it? That smell. A kind of smelly smell. A smelly smell that smells smelly.”

Veggie pizza

Sauce + Cheese + Onion + Basil + Corn + Garlic + Artichoke
  • “I need a pizza with all the veggies to go with my garden.”
    • “All the veggies!”
Pesto Sauce + Onion + Basil + Corn + Chicken + Garlic + Artichoke
  • “I love all these healthy options! I'll have a pesto pizza with chicken and veggies. But no cheese!”
    • “I want grilled chicken, onions, basil, corn, and garlic. Yes with the pesto sauce, no to the cheese!”
Sauce + Cheese + Onion + Basil + Corn + Garlic + Fig + Artichoke
  • “I wish I were a mermaid... A part of that world where they swim all day! For now, I'll settle for a fig pie with veggies.”
    • “I would trade anything for a cheese pizza with fig and veggies!”
Sauce + Cheese + Onion + Basil + Corn + Garlic + Zucchini + Artichoke
  • “Zucchini is technically a fruit, but most chefs treat it as a vegetable. Can I have some zucchini with all your vegetables?”
    • “That would be one fruit and all vegetables. Just make sure you don't forget to add cheese and sauce!”
[Sauce + Cheese + Pepperoni + Sausage] [Sauce + Cheese + Onion + Basil + Corn + Garlic + Artichoke]
  • “I had to run over here during halftime because we're out of food! Make me one Classic Meat and one veggie pizza!”
    • “Quick, I don't wanna miss the rest of the game! Make two cheese pizzas. One with pep and sausage. The other with all your veggies.”
[Sauce + Cheese + Pepperoni + Sausage + Bell Pepper + Bacon + Ham + Jalapeno] [Sauce + Cheese + Onion + Basil + Corn + Garlic + Artichoke] x2
  • “One spicy Meat Lovers and two veggie pizzas!”
    • “One pizza with pepperoni, sausage, bacon, ham, and your spicy toppings. Two pizzas with all of your vegetables!”
Sauce + Cheese + Onion + Basil + Corn + Garlic + Artichoke + Duck
  • “All your veggies with an extra quack! Double-baked!”
    • “I mean a duck pizza with veggies. Put it through the oven twice.” (Run the pizza through the oven twice.)

Green pizza

[Pesto + Pepperoni + Bell Pepper + Basil + Garlic + Jalapeno + Avocado + Zucchini] x2
  • “I'll take two green pizzas. But they'll also have garlic and salami on them.”
    • “That's two pesto pizzas with pepperoni, garlic, and green toppings you have. And no cheese, please.”
Pesto + Bell Pepper + Basil + Jalapeno + Avocado + Zucchini
  • “I'll have an all-green pizza.”
    • “Dough and pesto sauce. No cheese! Plus all your green toppings!”

Half-and-Half pizzas

(Tomato Sauce + Cheese + Pepperoni + Sausage + Bacon + Ham) + (Pesto Sauce + Cheese + Bell Pepper + Basil + Jalapeno + Avocado + Zucchini)
  • “One Half-and-Half pizza. Put red meats on the red sauce, and all green toppings on the other.”
    • “I want tomato sauce on one side with pepperoni, sausage, bacon, and ham. On the other, put basil and bell peppers on pesto.”
  • “One Half-and-Half pizza. Put all of the red toppings on the red sauce and all of the green toppings on the green sauce.”
    • “I want tomato sauce on one side and pesto sauce on the other. Put red toppings on the tomato sauce and green toppings on the pesto.”
      • “Half tomato sauce, cheese, pepperonis, and bacon and half pesto sauce, cheese, bell peppers, and basil.”
(Tomato Sauce + Cheese + Pepperoni + Sausage + Bacon + Anchovy + Ham + Shrimp + Chicken + Duck) + (Pesto Sauce + Cheese + Mushroom + Olive + Onion + Bell Pepper + Pineapple + Basil + Eggplant + Corn + Garlic + Sliced Tomato + Jalapeno + Avocado + Truffle + Fig + Zucchini + Artichoke)
  • “I'd like a pizza with one half marinara and all the meats, one half pesto with all the fruits and veggies.”
    • “Okay, so I want meat and seafood on the red sauce side. All the other toppings, put on the pesto side!”
Sauce + Cheese + (Pepperoni + Sausage + Bacon + Anchovy + Ham + Shrimp + Chicken + Duck) + (Mushroom + Olive + Onion + Bell Pepper + Pineapple + Basil + Eggplant + Corn + Garlic + Sliced Tomato + Jalapeno + Avocado + Truffle + Fig + Zucchini + Artichoke)
  • “Half meat, and half vegetarian pizza.”
    • “Well. One side with all meats. The other half with veggies, fruits and fungi.”
Sauce + Cheese + (Mushroom + Olive + Bell Pepper + Pineapple + Eggplant + Sliced Tomato + Jalapeno + Avocado + Truffle + Fig + Zucchini) + (Pepperoni + Sausage + Bacon + Anchovy + Ham + Shrimp + Chicken + Duck)
  • “I want one half fruit and fungus and the other half meat and cheese.”
    • “Fruit and mushroom on one half of a cheese pizza, and just meat on the other half.”
Sauce + Cheese + (Mushroom + Olive + Bell Pepper + Pineapple + Eggplant + Sliced Tomato + Jalapeno + Avocado + Fig + Zucchini) + (Pepperoni + Sausage + Bacon + Anchovy + Ham + Shrimp + Chicken + Duck)
  • “I want one half fruit and mushroom and the other half meat.”
    • “Fruit and mushroom on one half of a cheese pizza, and just meat on the other half.”

One with all the meats, one with everything else

[Pesto Sauce + Cheese + Pepperoni + Sausage + Bacon + Anchovy + Ham + Shrimp + Chicken + Duck] [Pesto Sauce + Cheese + Mushroom + Olive + Onion + Bell Pepper + Pineapple + Basil + Eggplant + Corn + Garlic + Sliced Tomato + Jalapeno + Avocado + Truffle + Fig + Zucchini + Artichoke]
  • “Two pesto pizzas: one with all the meats, one with everything else.”
    • “Let's put all the meat on one pizza. Everything else can go on the other one. And use pesto for both of them.”

One with seafood, one Fruity Pig, and one Stinky Pete

[Sauce + Cheese + Anchovy + Shrimp + Avocado] [Sauce + Cheese + Pepperoni + Sausage + Olive + Bell Pepper + Bacon + Pineapple + Ham + Avocado] [Sauce + Cheese + Onion + Anchovy + Avocado]
  • “I want one pizza with seafood, one fruity pig, and one Stinky Pete. But could you add avocado to each one and cut them into 8 slices?”
    • “Seafood toppings on one; red meat, olive, bell pepper, and pineapple on two; anchovies and onions on three. All should have cheese, sauce, and avocado. Cut them four times.” (Cut each pizza into eight slices.)

Three pizza with pesto and avocado

[Pesto + Cheese + Pepperoni + Sausage + Bacon + Ham + Avocado] [Pesto + Cheese + Mushroom + Olive + Onion + Bell Pepper + Pineapple + Basil + Eggplant + Corn + Garlic + Sliced Tomato + Jalapeno + Avocado + Fig + Zucchini + Artichoke] [Pesto + Cheese + Olive + Anchovy + Avocado]
  • “Three pesto pies, if you will. One should be a meat lover's, one should be vegetarian, and the third should be a salty sailor. But put avocado on all three and cut them twice.”
    • “Red meat and avocado on one pizza; vegetarian for the second; olive, anchovy, and avocado for the third. Cut all of them into fourths.”

Fungi pizza

Sauce + Cheese + Mushroom + Truffle
  • “I want everything except fruit, veggies, and meat. Well done, please!”
    • “Basically, I want a cheese pizza with fungi. Double-baked!” (Run the pizza through the oven twice.)
[Sauce + Cheese + Mushroom + Truffle] x3
  • “Three fungi pizzas for this fun guy.”
    • “Get it? Fun guy. Fungi. It's a pun.”
  • “Three fungi pizzas for this fun girl.”
    • “Get it? Fun girl. Fungi. It's a pun.”

Truffle, pineapple and peppers

Wheat Dough + Sauce + Bell Pepper + Pineapple + Jalapeno + Truffle
  • “I want a dairy free pizza. Please add truffle, pineapple and all kinds of peppers on it. Also put it on wheat dough.”
    • “Wheat dough and no cheese please. For toppings I want truffle, pineapple, and peppers.”

Triple Truffle Combo

[Sauce + Cheese + Pepperoni + Sausage + Bacon + Anchovy + Ham + Shrimp + Chicken + Truffle + Duck] [Sauce + Cheese + Onion + Basil + Corn + Garlic + Truffle + Artichoke] [Sauce + Cheese + Olive + Bell Pepper + Pineapple + Eggplant + Sliced Tomato + Jalapeno + Avocado + Truffle + Fig + Zucchini]
  • “Triple Truffle Combo! I want one of each: a truffle meat pizza, a truffle veggie pizza, and a truffle fruit pizza!”
    • “That's one pizza with all meats and truffle, one pizza with all vegetables and truffle, and one pizza with all fruits and truffle.”

One veggie, one fruity, and one meaty pizza with duck

[Sauce + Cheese + Pepperoni + Sausage + Bacon + Anchovy + Ham + Shrimp + Chicken + Duck] [Sauce + Cheese + Olive + Bell Pepper + Pineapple + Eggplant + Sliced Tomato + Jalapeno + Fig + Zucchini + Duck] [Sauce + Cheese + Onion + Basil + Corn + Garlic + Artichoke + Duck]
  • “I wanna see what toppings go best with duck. Give me one veggie, one fruity, and one meaty pizza. All with duck!”
    • “Three pizzas: all veggies on one, all fruits on the other, and all meats on the last. Put duck on each.”

Duck confit with grain and fungi

Wheat Dough + Sauce + Cheese + Mushrooms + Corn + Truffle + Duck
  • “Duck confit with grains and fungi.”
    • “Pizza isn't exactly the French way to eat duck, but I'm still craving one with corn and fungi on wheat.”

Ducks waddling on a field

Pesto Sauce + Bell Pepper + Basil + Jalapeno + Avocado + Zucchini + Duck
  • “What's best for both of us is if you make me a pizza resembling ducks waddling on a field. Agreed?”
    • “Just gimme a pesto flatbread with duck and the rest of your green toppings.”

Spicy pizza

Sauce + Cheese + Pepperoni + Bell Pepper + Jalapeno
  • “My friends dared me to eat a pizza that is so spicy it'll turn my face red!”
    • “One cheese pizza with all your spicy toppings!”
Sauce + Cheese + Pepperoni + Sausage + Bell Pepper + Jalapeno
  • “Spice up a Classic Meat!”
    • “Pepperoni, sausage, and all spicy toppings on dough, sauce, and cheese!”
Sauce + Cheese + Pepperoni + Bell Pepper + Jalapeno + Avocado
  • “I'll take a spicy pie mellowed out with a soft green fruit.”
    • “Your tastiest and spiciest toppings on a cheese pizza with avocado!”

Seafood pizza

Sauce + Cheese + Anchovy + Shrimp
    • “I'm a shark today! Fish are friends AND food. One seafood pizza!”
Pesto Sauce + Cheese + Anchovy + Shrimp
  • “So, I heard that people are shipping pesto and seafood together. I'm TOTALLY onboard for that!”
    • “I mean... pesto, cheese, anchovies, and shrimp? It's the best food combo since PB&J!”
Wheat Dough + Sauce + Cheese + Anchovy + Shrimp
  • “Make me a pizza but imagine I'm a seal who makes healthy choices.”
    • “This seal wants a seafood pizza on wheat!”
      • “Cheese, anchovies, shrimps, and sauce. Wheat Dough. That's it.”
[Sauce + Cheese + Anchovy + Shrimp + Duck] x2
  • “A double order of swimming pizzas, please!”
    • “Did you know ducks are really good swimmers? Two pizzas with duck and seafood if you have it!”
[Pesto + Cheese + Anchovy + Shrimp + Duck] x2
  • “Make me a seafood pizza. And add duck, got it? Make two of 'em with pesto.”
    • “I want a seafood pizza with duck on pesto. Double that order.”

Avocado pies with an aquatic touch

[Tomato Sauce + Cheese + Anchovy + Shrimp + Avocado] x2
  • “I'll take two avocado pies with an aquatic touch. Tomato sauce only.”
    • “Two pizzas with seafood and avocado! Use tomato sauce.”



Pesto Sauce (Single)
  • “Oh, and could you use pesto sauce?”
    • “And don't forget: pesto sauce!”
  • “All that on pesto sauce, please.”
    • “And I want it on pesto.”
  • “And I want it with pesto, not pizza sauce!”
    • “With pesto, please!”
  • “And can I get it with pesto?”
    • “And please, use pesto on it.”
  • “But not tomato sauce, pesto please!”
    • “And remember, I want pesto on it!”
  • “Ooh, and put it on pesto!”
    • “And I want it with pesto sauce, too.”
  • “And I heard it's good with pesto, so use that!”
    • “And use pesto, not pizza sauce!”
  • “And put pesto sauce on that, please.”
    • “All that on pesto.”
  • “And I want it on the green sauce!”
    • “And pesto, that's what it's called!”
  • “Gimme the green sauce on it, too.”
    • “And green sauce... I think it's called pesto?”
Pesto Sauce (Multiple)
  • “And let's put green sauce on all those!”
    • “And, uh... Pesto! Pesto on all of them!”
  • “Go ahead and make them all pesto, please!”
    • “And no tomato sauce, just pesto please!”
  • “Put pesto sauce on all of them, too.”
    • “Make sure they're all pesto, too!”


0 slices
  • “Do not cut the pizza!”
  • “Don't cut any of them.”
  • “Don't cut those pizzas.”
  • “Don't slice the pizza, though, please.”
  • “Uncut.”
  • “Zero slices.”
  • “Zero slices on all of those.”
2 slices
  • “Cut all of them in half.”
  • “Just cut that in half, please.”
  • “Oh and could I get that cut in half.”
  • “Oh and cut those in half.”
  • “Two slices.”
  • “Two slices. Just in half.”
  • “Two slices on each pizza.”
4 slices
  • “Cut all of them in four slices.”
  • “Cut in Quarters, my friend!”
  • “Cut that in half twice.”
  • “Cut that pizza into four slices.”
  • “Cut those pizzas in four slices.”
  • “Four slices.”
  • “Four slices on all of those.”
  • “Four slices on each pizza.”
  • “I need bigger slices, though. Cut in four.”
8 slices
  • “Cut all of them in eight slices.”
  • “Cut that in half four times.”
  • “Cut those in eight slices, though.”
  • “Eight slices.”
  • “Eight slices on all of those.”
  • “Eight slices on each pizza.”
  • “Going to need some smaller slices! Cut into eight slices.”
  • “Make that eight slices, though.”

Cooking level

Note: To make a pizza well done, run it through the oven twice.

Well done (Single)
  • “Could I also get that well done.”
  • “Well done!”
  • “Make that super crispy.”
  • “Put that in the oven twice.”
  • “Run it twice through the oven, please.”
  • “Oh, and make that well done.”
  • “Also, make it dark.”
  • “Dark crust.”
Well done (Multiple)
  • “Could I also get those well done.”
  • “Make them super crispy.”
  • “Put them in the oven twice.”
  • “Oh, and make them well done.”
  • “Also dark crust on all of them.”


Chapter 1


Sauce + Cheese
  • “That was rhetorical, pal. Let’s see you at least make a regular cheese. Just six slices with sauce and cheese.”
  • “Well that was obvious. Let’s see you make a cheese pizza. Just six slices with sauce and cheese.”
Sauce + Cheese + Pepperoni
  • “Let’s see a pepperoni then. And yes that comes with cheese and sauce, rookie. Six even slices. I don’t wanna see no baby slices.”
  • “Too late now! Cause I want a pepperoni. And yes that comes with cheese and sauce, rookie. Six even slices. I don’t wanna see no baby slices.”
Sauce + Cheese + (Pepperoni)
  • “At least you know how indecisive these people are! Let’s see how ya split those pizzas. Make a half cheese and half pepperoni.”

Plant Lady

  • “I don't have any money, but I'll give you a special gift in exchange for a pizza on the house.”

Chapter 2

First meeting

[Sauce + Cheese + Pepperoni + Sausage] + [Sauce + Cheese + Mushroom + Olive + Onion + Bell Pepper + Eggplant] + [Sauce + Cheese]
  • “Greetings to you popular pizza proprietor! Your prowess has piqued the palates of our organization: The Stewards of Scared Ingredients! You might have noticed our lodge across the street.”
    • “The saucesayers have foreseen a transcendent za, so we intend to test you with trials of talent and taste. But for now we want three pies. One with meat. One with Veggies. And one with neither.”
      • “One cheese pizza. One vegetarian pizza. One pizza with meat.”

Pineapple Steward

Sauce + Olive + Bell Pepper + Pineapple + Eggplant
  • “If your pizzas are truly elite, prepare me a pie that's totally sweet!”
    • “All the fruit; hold the meat, not even cheese, but don't put it on wheat.”
  • “If your pizzas are truly elite, prepare me a pie that's totally fruity!”
    • “All the fruit; hold the meat, not even cheese, but don't put it on wheat.”

Pork Steward

Sauce + Cheese + Pepperoni + Sausage + Bacon + (Ham)
  • “Saddle up, buckaroo, I reckon you've slung your fair share of pies, but if'n you're tough tootin' enough for my trial, I'm gonna need to see a mighty meat pie.”
    • “Keep quadrilateral meat to one side; the other meats can straddle both sides. Pork only, partner.”

Basil Steward

  • “I'm a saucesayer. Make me a pizza that reveals your destiny.”
    • “Make me a pizza that reveals your destiny.”
Sauce + Cheese + (Mushroom + Onion) + (Olive + Bell Pepper + Basil)
  • “Can you bring balance to the sauce? I seek a pizza of peace, respectful of mother earth and her bounty.”
    • “Group ingredients that grow in the ground and those that hang above the soil. And I hate pineapples.”

Wheat Steward

Wheat Dough + Sauce + Cheese
  • “...”
    • “...”
      • “(It looks like the goat wants a cheese pizza on wheat)”

Anchovy Steward

(Sauce + Anchovy) + (None)
  • “Some believe that your pizza was foretold by the saucesayers. I think there's something fishy about you... and I want you to prove it.”
    • “Show me a pizza like a deserted beach. Fish swimming in the sea, and not a soul on the sand.”
      • “Half with Anchovies in a saucy ocean. Half with nothing on it.”

Final Steward

Players can make anything for him, it doesn't matter; he’ll always have the same answer. Peppertiti is the actual challenge and comes in after you serve him a pizza.

  • “My partners report that you have passed all the trials, but the saucesayers foresaw a transcendent za.”
    • “If you're the chosen one, you'll figure it out.”
  • “Fair pizza prodigy, I have been sent to provide you the penultimate test of true pizza perfect. Your time has nearly come”
    • “If you truly are the Chosen One, you will soon understand...”


Wheat Dough + Sauce + Cheese + (Mushroom) + (Pineapple)
  • “Risen up from earth's decay and sun's radiant nectar required. Death's repose cannot be savored without sweet slice of life. Two sides balanced and made whole.”
    • “It's the riddle of pizza, buddy. I can't rest until I have a pizza that balances life and death. That's half life and half death. On whole wheat.”

Chapter 3

Surfer Dude

Sauce + Cheese + Anchovy
  • “Howzit, brah? Spent all morning riding some straight macking waves... hit me with that ono seafood!”
    • “You know, like fish I guess?”


Sauce + Cheese + Mushroom + Olive + Onion + Bell Pepper + Pineapple + Basil + Eggplant + Truffle
  • “I want a cheese pizza with your freshest produce on it, please.”
    • “As a farmer, I handle fruits, veggies, and fungi every day. But I also need to make sure to eat them.”

Famous Athlete

Sauce + Cheese + Pepperoni + Sausage + Mushroom + Olive + Onion + Bell Pepper + Bacon + Pineapple + Anchovy + Ham + Basil + Eggplant + Shrimp + Corn + Chicken + Truffle
  • “I want a pizza with everything on it.”
    • “You heard me. I need all the calories I can get. Now, put everything you've got on that pie!”

Dr. Keh

Sauce + Cheese + Shrimp
  • “So, this is the parlor that’s been trending on OrderUp. Fine, then let’s try something even a caveman couldn’t mess up: shrimp.”
      • “Do I really need to explain what shrimps are, or do you just not have them? You're a fool, either way.”
[Sauce + Cheese + Corn] + [Sauce + Cheese + Chicken]
  • “Then prove it. One pizza with chicken and one pizza with corn.”
    • “What’s the matter, don’t have two of the hottest ingredients to date? Or are you too chicken to make these pizzas?”
Sauce + Cheese + Pepperoni
  • “That's the only way you could have beaten me, it has to be! I demand you make me a pepperoni pizza!”
    • “Pepperoni! NOW!”

Cook-off judge

Cheese + Sauce + Mushroom + Olive + Onion + Bell Pepper + Pineapple + Basil + Eggplant + Corn + Truffle
  • “You've seen me before. Now, make my usual and let's be done with this stupid competition.”
    • “Ergh... sorry, my stomach's upset because I've had to cut my usual vegetarian diet to judge this competition.”

PizzaCon judges

Sauce + Cheese + Pepperoni
  • “I just had the best pepperoni pizza I've ever had! So, how does yours stack up?”
    • “Not to put the ressure on you, but it's hard to mess up a classic pepperoni.”
[Sauce + Cheese + Pepperoni] x3
  • “Get me three pepperoni pizzas as fast as you can! I’m late to a PizzaCon judge’s meeting!”
    • “Come on, I don't have all day! Three pepperonis!”
[Sauce + Cheese + Pepperoni + Mushroom] x2
  • “Make me two pepperoni and mushroom pizzas, put them through the oven twice.”
    • “I'm judging your baking skills. Two pepperoni and mushroom pizzas, make them well done.” (Run both pizzas through the oven twice.)
Sauce + Cheese + Pepperoni + Sausage + Mushroom + Olive + Onion + Bell Pepper
  • “What a neat restaurant! You definitely get points for aesthetics. Now, how’s your supreme pizza?”
    • “You know... bell peppers, mushrooms, olives, onions, sausage and pepperoni?”
Cheese + Onion + Bacon
  • “Let's test how well you know pizza. Make me a flammkuchen.”
Olive + Onion + Anchovy
  • “I've lived in France for years. Let's see how your pissaladière represents its origins.”
    • “It's just onions, olives, and anchovies on dough.”
Sauce + Cheese + Pineapple + Ham
  • “Man, judging pizza all day is hard work. I want to take it easy tonight with a Hawaiian pizza.”
[Sauce + Cheese + Pepperoni + Sausage + Mushroom + Olive + Onion + Bell Pepper] + [Sauce + Cheese + Pepperoni + Sausage + Bacon + (Ham)]
  • “Let’s see how you multitask in the kitchen. One supreme, and a meat lover’s with ham on one half only.”
Tomato Sauce + Cheese + Basil
  • “I’m supposed to be off-duty for judging, but... How about you make me your best Margherita pizza anyway?”
    • “Tomato sauce, mozzarella cheese, and some basil oughta do it!”
Sauce + Cheese + Anchovy + Shrimp
  • “Other competitors were really lacking in seafood options. So, what about you?”
Sauce + Cheese + Onion + Basil + Corn
  • “See this orange shirt? It means I’m a judge! Now, make me a pizza with veggies. Double baked.”
[Sauce + Cheese + Pepperoni + Sausage + Ham + Bacon] [Sauce + Cheese + Anchovy + Shrimp] [Sauce + Cheese + Mushroom + Olive + Onion + Bell Pepper + Pineapple + Basil + Eggplant + Corn + Truffle]
  • “How's your variety? One meat lover's, one vegetarian, and one seafood.”
(Sauce + Pepperoni) + (Cheese + Chicken)
  • “A half-cheeseless pepperoni, half-sauceless chicken pizza to get my good graces.”

PizzaCon attendees

  • “I wanted to cosplay for this convention. See everyone dressed up makes me regret not doing it...”
    • “One flat bread to comfort my soul...”
      • “Nothing. That's it.”
Sauce + Cheese + Pepperoni + Sausage
  • “Oh man, I smelled this from down the block. I just have to try your pepperoni and sausage pizza!”
  • “Oh wow, my very first PizzaCon pizza! How about pepperoni and sausage??”
Sauce + Cheese + Sausage
  • “This all looks familiar... hold the phone, were you on TV this week??”
    • “Yes, it was you! I'll try the sausage pizza here!”
      • “Ok. I want sauce, cheese, and sausages.”
Sauce + Cheese + Mushroom
  • “I was really looking forward to seeing The Pizza Underground, but I heard they split up. Sad...”
    • “Anyway... Can I get a mushroom pizza, please?”
Sauce + Cheese + Sausage + Onion
  • “Hey. If you let me charge my battery, I'll get a sausage and onion pizza.”
    • “It's whatever, just put sausage and onion on my pizza.”
Cheese + Bell Pepper
  • “I'm so tired of being in a tight, crowded room. This is so much better!”
    • “I'll get a pizza with bell pepper, no sauce, please!”
      • “Ok. I want cheese and bell peppers.”
Sauce + Cheese + Pepperoni + Sausage + Mushroom + Olive + Onion + Bell Pepper
  • “My visit in this city has been supremely awesome! I want this pizza to be supreme, too!”
    • “Can I get a supreme pizza? That's pepperoni, sausage, mushrooms, olives, onions, and bell peppers.”
Sauce + Cheese + Pepperoni + Sausage + Ham + Bacon
  • “This place looks exactly like my favorite spot back home! But can you make a meat pie like they do?”
    • “Nothing fancy like chicken or seafood. Just pepperoni, sausage, ham and bacon.”
Sauce + Cheese + (Pineapple) + (Anchovy)
  • “I've always dreamed of going to PizzaCon... I can't believe I'm here! This is so exciting!!”
    • “Half pineapple and half anchovy to celebrate, please!!!”
      • “Half sauce, cheese, and pineapple and half sauce, cheese, and anchovies. That's it.”
Sauce + Cheese + Olive + Basil
  • “I love PizzaCon. Hearing new recipes, getting new cookware, seeing all those happy faces... I live for this!”
    • “Oh, I'd like to get a basil pizza with olives!”
Tomato Sauce + Cheese + Basil
  • “Do you guys have WiFi? I need to sit down for a bit, but I'll order a Margherita!”
Tomato Sauce + Mushroom + Olive + Onion + Bell Pepper + Pineapple + Basil + Eggplant + Corn + Truffle
  • “Oh, I just love mom-and-pop businesses! I'll take a vegan pizza to go, please.”
Wheat Dough + Sauce + Cheese + Corn
  • “I take the rumors I heard about this place with a grain of salt. So give me a pizza with grains.”
Sauce + Cheese + Mushroom + Olive + Onion + Bell Pepper + Pineapple + Anchovy + Basil + Eggplant + Shrimp + Corn + Truffle
  • “If you make me a decent pescatarian pie, I'll totally check in here on Pie Chart!”
[Sauce + Cheese + Olive + Bell Pepper + Pineapple + Eggplant] [Sauce + Cheese + Onion + Basil + Corn]
  • “Whether or not you're traveling, you have to eat your fruits and veggies! Make two pizzas, and separate those two.”
    • “I want one with fruits. Like olives, bell peppers and pineapple. Everything else that isn't meat, put on the other. No mushrooms.”
[Sauce + Cheese + Pepperoni + Sausage + Mushroom + Olive + Onion + Bell Pepper + Bacon + Pineapple + Anchovy + Ham + Basil + Eggplant + Shrimp + Corn + Chicken + Truffle] [Wheat Dough + Sauce + Cheese + Pepperoni + Sausage + Mushroom + Olive + Onion + Bell Pepper + Bacon + Pineapple + Anchovy + Ham + Basil + Eggplant + Shrimp + Corn + Chicken + Truffle]
  • “Whoa, I'm loving all the choices! I can't decide... Just give me all of it, one on white and one on wheat!”
Wheat Dough + Sauce + Cheese + Anchovy + Eggplant + Shrimp + Corn
  • “Let's get weird... how about an anchovy, eggplant, corn and shrimp pizza on wheat dough?”
    • “I like trying new things you can't usually get elsewhere. Shrimp, corn, anchovies, and eggplant on wheat.”

Post-Chapter 3

Sauce + Cheese + Pepperoni
  • “PizzaCon is a little too much for me to handle so I usually wait until it's over, then order a pepperoni pizza from the top-ranking pizzerias!”
    • “I can get all the great flavor of pepperoni with none of the long lines or loud noise!”
Sauce + Cheese + Pepperoni + Sausage + Mushroom + Olive + Onion + Bell Pepper
  • “You probably don't remember me but I came in during PizzaCon. I knew you'd reign supreme when I tasted your pizza!”
    • “I wanted to come back in, order a supreme pizza, and congratulate you on how well you did in the competition!”
Sauce + Cheese + Bacon
  • “You must have had a secret formula do so well at PizzaCon! [pause]I bet it was bacon! No one can resist a pizza with bacon on it!”
    • “All this talk about bacon has really made me hungry for some!”
Sauce + Cheese + Pineapple
  • “I can see why this place did so well at PizzaCon. There's such a sweet vibe in here that walking in makes me want to order a pizza that's just as sweet!”
    • “One sweet pizza with your sweetest topping, please!”
[Sauce + Cheese + Pepperoni + Sausage + Bacon + Ham] x2
  • “My friends didn't visit here during PizzaCon and won't believe me when I tell them you deserved to win. So, I came to get two meat pies that'll make them fall in love with your pizza!”
    • “Once they chow down on two of your amazing Meat Lover’s pizzas, I'm sure they'll shut their pie holes for good!”
Sauce + Cheese + Chicken
  • “Hey, way to go on doing so well at PizzaCon! If I were you, I'd probably be too chicken to compete against Dr. Keh!”
    • “I guess it's true that you are what you eat.”
Sauce + Cheese + Pepperoni + Sausage + Mushroom + Olive + Onion + Bell Pepper + Bacon + Pineapple + Anchovy + Ham + Basil + Eggplant + Shrimp + Corn + Chicken + Truffle
  • “Oh wow, so this is the famous pizzeria that won PizzaCon? I've got to try everything you have!”
    • “I've only got enough for one pizza, but I really want to try every topping you have!”

Chapter 4

Elliot St. Claire

  • “I would like three pizzas, please! One for me and two for my car.”
    • “Just any pizzas will do. I'm not picky and my car doesn't have taste buds!”


House Special
  • “Good. Now try making it... Not because I want one or anything, I just want to make sure it ain't garbage!”

Angelica Béchamel

House Special
  • “You. Give me your house special now.”
    • “You've ruined everything I worked so hard to build. I deserve a taste of your special pizza. So, wipe that smug look off your face and make me one.”
  • “You. Give me your house special now.”
    • “I'll pay double, just make me a house special!”

Customer orders

  • “I felt like people judged me when I went to BDP just to order flatbread.”
    • “I'm sure that won't be the case here though, right?”
Sauce + Cheese
  • “I'd rather not wait in that line at BDP for a simple cheese pizza.”
    • “I'm glad to see you're open! One cheese pizza, please!”
Sauce + Cheese + Pepperoni
  • “I'm trying to have a pepperoni pizza at every pizzeria in town, just in case they close.”
    • “Please tell me you serve pepperoni.”
Sauce + Cheese + Pepperoni + Sausage
  • “I am tired of machine-made pizzas. Please make me a classic meat pie with love!”
    • “Just one classic meat pizza made by the hands of a caring soul like yourself!”
[Sauce + Cheese + Mushroom] x2
  • “I thought I'd try a mushroom pizza here and then go to BDP to try theirs. But now I'm too tired to go to both yet I still need two pies.”
    • “How about you just cook me up two mush pies here?”
Sauce + Cheese + Pepperoni + Sausage + Mushroom + Olive + Onion + Bell Pepper
  • “Oh wow, it's impressive to see you thriving right next to a BDP. How about one pizza that's as supreme as you!”
    • “You must be real supreme to still be open, so I'd like to try your supreme pizza to test your skills!”
  • “I drive all the way down here to get a supreme pizza before BDP comes here and shuts down all other pizzerias.”
    • “Long story short, BDP comes, local shop dies. Now give me a supreme please.”
Sauce + Cheese + (Olive) + (Onion)
  • “Half of me wants to go to BDP for an onion pizza, but the other half of me is saying I should give olives a try elsewhere.”
    • “I'm already here so I'll take olives, but I still really want onions...but I can't eat two whole pizzas.”
Sauce + Cheese + Bacon
  • “I was gonna try BDP, but the smell of bacon lured me over!”
    • “I gotta have me some bacon!”
Sauce + Cheese + Pineapple
  • “I'm glad you're open because I could never order this in front of all those people across the street, but I'd like one pizza with...pineapple.”
    • “Come on! Don't make me say it again. Someone might hear!”
[Sauce + Cheese + Pepperoni + Sausage + Bacon + Ham] x2
  • “Oh yeah! An open pizzeria without a long line! Two Meat Lover's, please.”
    • “Just two pies with the four main meats on them.”
Sauce + Cheese + Corn
  • “I'm so over this BDP craze. I'd say they are just too corny, but I love corn too much to equate it with the likes of them!”
    • “I'm sure a classic place like this has way better corn than them anyways!”
[Sauce + Cheese + (Shrimp) + (Corn)] [(Sauce) + (Cheese + Onion) + Shrimp + Corn]
  • “The robot couldn’t handle my order. Two pizzas. One with sauce and cheese, but split them on the second pizza. Shrimp and corn on the second pizza, but split them on the first pizza. Onions only on the cheese side of the second pizza.”
    • “One pizza with half corn and half shrimp. Second pizza with half sauce, half cheese. Add onions on the cheese side, corn and shrimp on both sides for the second pizza.”
[Sauce + Cheese + Ham] [Sauce + Cheese + Chicken]
  • “My friend went to BDP for a chicken pizza and I came here for a ham pizza. But now I kinda want a chicken pizza, too.”
    • “I'll just order both here so I don't have to wait in that line.”
Sauce + Cheese + Onion + Anchovy + Garlic
  • “Finally, a pizza shop that's not BDP! They're way too fancy for me. Sometimes you just want a real stinky pizza you know?”
    • “I'll take whatever you got that's nice and stinky!”
[Pesto + Cheese + Bell Pepper + Basil + Jalapeno] x3
  • “At BDP, everything happens so fast. I like to be able to daydream while waiting for my 3 green pizzas.”
    • “3 green pizzas that match my dreams, and don't forget cheese!”
Sauce + Cheese + Pepperoni + Sausage + Mushroom + Olive + Onion + Bell Pepper + Bacon + Pineapple + Ham + Basil + Eggplant + Shrimp + Corn + Chicken + Garlic + Sliced Tomato + Jalapeno + Avocado + Truffle
  • “BDP's success seems a little fishy... I don't like that!”
    • “I'm trying to avoid anything fishy, but I love everything else.”
[Sauce + Cheese + Mushroom + Olive + Onion + Bell Pepper + Pineapple + Basil + Eggplant + Corn + Garlic + Sliced Tomato + Jalapeno + Avocado + Truffle] [Sauce + Cheese + Pepperoni + Sausage + Bacon + Anchovy + Ham + Shrimp + Chicken] [Sauce + Mushroom + Olive + Onion + Bell Pepper + Pineapple + Basil + Eggplant + Corn + Garlic + Sliced Tomato + Jalapeno + Avocado + Truffle]
  • “I was afraid I wouldn't be able to get food in time for my party if I had to wait in that line across the street. Three pies. One vegetarian, one with all the meats, and one vegan.”
    • “One vegetarian pizza, one pizza with every kind of meat, and one vegan pizza.”
[Sauce + Cheese + Pepperoni + Sausage + Mushroom + Olive + Onion + Bell Pepper + Bacon + Pineapple + Anchovy + Ham + Basil + Eggplant + Shrimp + Corn + Chicken + Garlic + Sliced Tomato + Jalapeno + Truffle] x3
  • “With how big BDP has gotten I'd rather support a small business like you. In fact, I'll take three pizzas with everything on them!”
    • “I know it's pricey, but put everything you've got on three pizzas!”
[Sauce + Cheese + Eggplant] x2
  • “I usually only go to BDP nowadays, but I thought I should give another place a try. Two eggplant pizzas, please!”
    • “The best way to test if a place is worth coming to again is if they have fresh eggplant!”

Post-Chapter 4

Sauce + Cheese + Pepperoni + Sausage + Olive + Onion + Bell Pepper
  • “You are one of the few pizzerias that survived. You must have something unique, so I'd like to try your supreme pizza to see what it is!”
    • “One supreme pizza to show off your unique qualities!”
Sauce + Cheese + Pepperoni + Sausage + Bacon + Ham
  • “I saw that Angelica lady come in here once. No wonder they fired her if she was eating pizza elsewhere. I'll take a pork pie so that I can see why she'd want to eat here instead.”
    • “You know? A pizza with anything made out of pork.”
Sauce + Cheese + Garlic
  • “With all the news about BDPs shutting down, I figured it was time to get my garlic fix elsewhere.”
    • “Please tell me you serve garlic!”
  • “That whole thing with BDP randomly stopping production kind of weirded me out, so I'm trying to avoid going there. Which is a bummer because I loved their garlic pizza!”
    • “It's hard to find a pizzeria that makes garlic a priority.”
[Sauce + Cheese + Onion + Anchovy + Garlic] x2
  • “I don't know what's going on with BDP, but it really stinks! Maybe a stinky pizza or two will make me feel better.”
    • “Two Stinky Petes with garlic would be perfect!”
Sauce + Cheese + Chicken + Garlic
  • “I hope that Megabyte is alright now that the BDP across the way shut down. It always made an amazing chicken and garlic pizza!”
    • “If you could make me one even close to its quality, I'd really appreciate it.”
  • “A little birdy told me that BDP has had some suspicious dealings and might not be around for much longer. Which is a shame because they made the best chicken and garlic pizza!”
    • “I don't really want to give money to them if they are actually doing something bad, so I was hoping you could make me a chicken and garlic pizza instead.”
Sauce + Cheese + Sliced Tomato
  • “Honestly, I'm kinda glad that BDP shut down. I hated waiting in line forever just for some sliced tomatoes.”
    • “I mean, I'll wait a little while for a sliced tomato pizza, but those lines were too much.”
  • “I'm surprised all this weirdness with BDP isn't making the news. Either way, I think I'll just get my sliced tomato fix here from now on.”
    • “Please tell me you serve sliced tomatoes as a topping!”
Sauce + Cheese + Corn + Sliced Tomato
  • “Seems like BDP has had some scandals so I'd rather stay away from it. How about a corn pizza with sliced tomatoes?”
    • “Just one pizza with corn and sliced tomatoes.”
Sauce + Cheese + Jalapeno
  • “BDP has really changed since its CEO left. For example, their jalapenos just don't have the kick they used to.”
    • “Hopefully yours will still bring the heat!”
  • “It's a shame that the pizzeria across the street closed. They made a mean jalapeno pizza!”
    • “Not to say that yours probably won't be just as good!”
  • “I wonder why that BDP craze is slowing down. I suppose it doesn't matter, as long as other places keep selling jalapenos!”
    • “I just want a jalapeno pizza from anywhere that'll serve it up nice and spicy!”
Sauce + Cheese + Pepperoni + Bell Pepper + Jalapeno
  • “There's been a lot of drama in the pizzeria business lately, huh? I gotta say though, eating a real spicy pizza while watching all the hot gossip was fun!”
    • “At least there's still spicy pizza! Make sure to only put on toppings that are really spicy.”
Sauce + Cheese + Pepperoni + Bell Pepper + Garlic + Jalapeno
  • “I never really went to BDP in the first place, so all these changes don't bother me. Anyways, I'd like garlic and anything with pepper.”
    • “If it's a kinda pepper or has pepper in the name, then I want it on my pizza with garlic!”
[Sauce + Cheese + Ham + Garlic] [Sauce + Cheese + Pineapple + Jalapeno]
  • “I always used to get one garlic and ham pizza and one jalapeno and pineapple from across the street. Any chance you could make them instead, now that they are closed?”
    • “I always get one garlic and ham pizza and one jalapeno and pineapple.”
[Sauce + Cheese + Garlic + Sliced Tomato + Jalapeno] x2
  • “I was never a fan of BDP, and now with their CEO gone, they seem to be worse. Luckily, you seem to only have gotten better! Two pizzas with garlic, jalapenos, and sliced tomatoes.”
    • “Two pizzas with garlic, jalapenos, and sliced tomatoes!”
Sauce + Cheese + Mushroom + Olive + Onion + Bell Pepper + Pineapple + Basil + Eggplant + Corn + Garlic + Sliced Tomato + Jalapeno
  • “I always got a vegetarian pizza at BDP because I heard somewhere that it was Ms. Béchamel's favorite, but now that she's gone it feels weird ordering it there.”
    • “Since you are so close to the BDP HQ she opened I figured it would be close enough to order it from you.”
[Sauce + Cheese + Pepperoni + Sausage + Bacon + Ham] [Sauce + Cheese + Mushroom + Olive + Onion + Bell Pepper + Pineapple + Basil + Eggplant + Corn + Garlic + Sliced Tomato + Jalapeno]
  • “It's strange seeing that BDP closed down. I went there a lot to get a meat lovers and vegetarian pie for the family.”
    • “I'm sure they won't know the difference if I get the same thing from here though.”
Sauce + Cheese + Eggplant + Sliced Tomato
  • “I'm not sure what's going on with Big Data Pizza, so it just seems like a safer bet to get my eggplant and sliced tomato pizza elsewhere.”
    • “I love both eggplant and tomato as a topping, but it's hard to find a place that serves both!”

Chapter 5


Sauce + Cheese + Pepperoni + Sausage
  • “Oh, come on! I've been trying to make peace with the bears all day with no luck. Could you make me my favorite pie? I'm so hungry...”
    • “You know... pep and sausage?”


Wheat Dough + Sauce + Cheese + Anchovy + Corn
  • “He'd like a grainy pizza with anchovies!”
    • “Sauce, cheese, anchovy, and corn on wheat, bud!”


  • “One pizza, please.”
    • “Any kind of pizza will do.”


  • “I was gonna head out, but I'm kind of hungry. Do you mind fixing me up a pie?”
    • “Oh, anything will do!”


Sauce + Cheese + (Zucchini) + (Artichoke)
  • “The WPA will let Cicero go, and I'll give the press a cover story so word doesn't get out about the Dough's true power. In the meantime, let's celebrate! With pizza!”
    • “One pizza with zucchini on one half and artichoke on the other.”


Sauce + Cheese
  • “I need the nourishment of a cheese pizza.”
    • “I require a flatbread in its most delectable form with nothing atop except for sauce and cheese.”
Sauce + Cheese + Fig
  • “I usually despise toppings on perfect cheese, but for the sake of the trials, a fig pizza is necessary.”
    • “A Master Ovenist should always prepare for the unexpected. I will only repeat myself once. Sauce, cheese, and figs.”


Sauce + Cheese + Mushroom + Fig
  • “Fruit so sweet and soft
    It has the power to heal
    Without it I am lost
    With fungus, makes a meal”
    • “Figs will play an important role. For now, I want to have them with mushroom.”

Plant Lady

Sauce + Cheese + Eggplant + Fig
  • “My favorite way to eat them is with eggplant, of course! Can I have a pizza with those toppings, please? Oh, and make it extra crispy.”
    • “A fig and eggplant pizza! Double-baked.” (Run the pizza through the oven twice.)
Sauce + Cheese + Onion + Zucchini
  • “I'd love some! Ya know, a lot of people haven't had zucchini on pizza, but that was my grandma's specialty when I was young. She'd add onions, too. You should try to make it!”
    • “My grandma would always pair zucchini and onion on pizza. I'm sure you can make it just like hers!”
Sauce + Artichoke
  • “Can I have an artichoke pizza without the cheese, please?”
    • “I just want to appreciate the artichoke taste without the distraction of cheese. Just dough, sauce, and artichokes!”

ZArena Customer Orders

Sauce + Cheese
  • “GO ALICANTE! Oh, wait-this isn't his shop. Well, this is awkward... I'll just have a cheese pizza, please.”
    • “Ahem-sorry about the confusion. Just a simple pie with sauce and cheese.”
Sauce + Cheese + Pepperoni
  • “Have you tried Dr. Keh's fig pizza. I mean, WOW. I don't think you could top it, so can I just get a pepperoni?”
    • “Start with the dough, then the sauce, then top it with cheese and pepperoni slices!”
[Sauce + Cheese + Olive + Onion] x3
  • “You're no Dr. Keh. Give me three NOT FIG pizzas, just throw onions and olives on them.”
    • “Three onion and olive pizzas. Forget figs! I only get my fig pizzas from Dr. Keh, the REAL Master Ovenist.”
Sauce + Cheese + (Fig)
  • “I don't really like figs, but you're my favorite Ovenist and I want you to win. One pizza with figs on half of it!”
    • “One cheese pizza with figs on one side, please!”
Sauce + Cheese + Fig
  • “I want to see how your fig pizza matches up to the other competitors. Please make me one fig pizza.”
    • “All you need is dough, sauce, cheese, and figs!”
  • “I just know you're gonna win this competition! I can feel it. You know what else I can feel? My tummy rumbling! It needs that sweet, seedy fruit on dough.”
    • “Figs! I want a fig pizza.”
  • “Figs are sweet, and so are you! Don't let the other competitors intimidate you. Just focus on making me a fig pizza!”
    • “I'd like a pizza with the new ingredient! Figs, figs, figs!”

Special characters

Picture Wall

Albert Einstein

[Cheese + Mushroom] x2
  • “For my order you must solve this formula: E = mc2”
    • “Here’s the solution: Excellence = (mushrooms)(cheese) 2”
      • “Can I have two mushroom cheese pizzas, please?”

Captain Salame

Sauce + Cheese + Pepperoni
  • “I'm a long way from home. Can I get a salami pizza?”
    • “Salami is popular in Genoa. But I think they call it pepperoni in the New World.”

Edgar Allan Poe

Sauce + Cheese + Pepperoni + Sausage + Bacon + Ham + Chicken + Duck
  • “My pet raven has a mostly meat diet. Can I get a meat lover's pizza without seafood?”
    • “A pizza with all your meats. He’s not a big fan of seafood, though.”

Elon Musk

Pesto + Cheese + Bell Pepper + Basil + Jalapeno + Avocado + Zucchini
  • “I've got green in my pocket, but I need them in my body too. Can I get a pizza with green toppings? Toast it up with a flamethrower.”
    • “Things like basil and bell peppers, anything that’s green. Extra crispy.”

Elvis Presley

Sauce + Cheese + Bacon
  • “Can I get a peanut butter, banana and bacon pie? It's okay if you don't have the bananas and spread.”
    • “A bacon pizza. Let’s speed things up, I’m trying to catch a flight to Vegas tonight!”

Marilyn Monroe

Tomato Sauce + Mushroom + Olive + Onion + Bell Pepper + Pineapple + Basil + Eggplant + Corn + Garlic + Sliced Tomato + Jalapeno + Avocado + Truffle + Fig + Zucchini + Artichoke
  • “I'm just a small girl in a big world looking for something to eat. Can I get a veggie pizza without cheese.”
    • “Anything that isn't meat. No cheese, I'm watching my figure.”

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

Sauce + Cheese + Pepperoni
  • “One pizza with salami. Because sometimes, the best things are the classics.”
    • “Pepperoni, sauce and cheese. You know, the one that everyone loves?”

Other characters


Sauce + Cheese + Pepperoni + Sausage
  • “I never got to finish my pizza, so can I get a Classic Meat?”
    • “I don't want my papa to find out about the mess I made at dance rehearsal. Make me a pizza with pep and sausage, please!”


Sauce + Mushroom + Olive + Onion + Bell Pepper + Basil + Corn + Garlic
  • “I want pizza, but I can’t be sluggish on the job.”
    • “Skip the cheese and put anything that's a vegetable on there. Mushrooms, peppers and olives too.”
[Sauce + Cheese + Sausage] [Sauce + Cheese + Shrimp]
  • “I overheard some firemen arguing about sausages and shrimps, so I will order them on separate pizzas and try!”
    • “Two pizzas, one sausage and one shrimp.”
Sauce + Cheese + Pepperoni + Sausage + Bell Pepper + Bacon + Ham + Jalapeno
  • “I’ll have a fire-alarm meat lover’s. I love it when my mouth’s on fire!”
    • “That's all the pork meats with LOTS of spicy toppings!”

Food Critic/Jack McIntyre

Sauce + Cheese + Pepperoni
  • “I’m here purely for business. Can I order a pepperoni?”
Sauce + Cheese + (Sausage) + (Mushroom)
  • “I’m here purely for business. Can I order a half sausage and half mushroom pizza?”

Invisible Man/Magician

Sauce + Cheese
  • “I want a pizza with invisible toppings, just like me!”
    • “Your sense of humor is invisible too, I see. A cheese pizza, please.”
Sauce + Cheese + Pepperoni
  • “Wonder how I’m like this? Make me the perfect pepperoni pizza, and I’ll tell you!”
    • “That’s right. Just a pepperoni pie, and you can be invisible too!”
Sauce + Cheese + Mushroom + Olive + Onion + Bell Pepper + Anchovy + Basil + Eggplant + Shrimp + Corn + Garlic + Sliced Tomato + Jalapeno + Avocado + Truffle + Fig + Zucchini + Artichoke
  • “If you like my invisibility trick, then how about a pescatarian pie as a reward? But make the pineapple disappear.”
    • “You’re green with envy, you think my tricks are fishy. So gimme a pie with seafood, fruits, fungi and veggies. But no pineapple.”
Sauce + Cheese + (Pepperoni) + (Olive)
  • “I've been into card tricks lately. Gimme a pizza with red pepperoni on one half, black olives on the other!”
    • “Playing cards are two colors, right? I want my pizza’s toppings to be those colors, too. Half pepperoni, half olives.”
Sauce + Cheese + Mushroom + Ham + Shrimp
  • “A cheese pizza, then M is the magic letter!”
    • “A pizza with sauce and cheese, then any toppings with the letter M in it!”
Sauce + Cheese + Corn
  • “I am ordering a pizza for my lovely pigeons.”

Kimmy Slice

Sauce + Cheese + Pepperoni
  • “Cheesy peasy! Okay... Give me a pepperoni pizza with 16 slices.”
    • “Aw, I totally understand! Just give me a pepperoni pizza with 16 slices, then.”
      • “I’m sending slices of this pepperoni pizza to 16 lucky fans. Everyone should know I’m willing to share sometimes!”

Math Student

[Sauce + Cheese + Pepperoni] x2
  • “I'm here for tutoring. I need one half of four pepperoni pizzas to help with my math homework.”
    • “I need one half of four pepperoni pizzas.”
[Sauce + Cheese + Anchovy] [Sauce + Cheese + (Anchovy) + (Basil)]
  • “My math midterm is today, and I need to learn about fractions! I need one-fourth of two pizzas to be basil and the three-fourths to be anchovies.”
    • “I need one-fourth of two pizzas to be basil and the three-fourths to be anchovies.”
[Sauce + Cheese + (Sausage)] [Wheat Dough + Sauce + Cheese + (Sausage)]
  • “It's time for my math final! I need the one-third of a dozen pizzas divided by two. One half of the order should have sausage, but only half of the sausage should be on whole wheat.”
    • “I need the one third of a dozen pizzas divided by two. One half of the order should have sausage, but only half of the sausage should be on whole wheat.”


Sauce + Cheese
  • “I saw you on the news
    That you make great pizza
    I'm in need of a muse
    It's a pleasure to meetcha
    I'll start simple if you please,
    A plain pie with sauce and cheese”
Sauce + Cheese + (Pepperoni)
  • “The siren scent of sauce entices
    Pepperoni and cheese in equal slices”
Sauce + Pepperoni + Sausage + Mushroom + Olive + Onion + Bell Pepper + Bacon + Pineapple + Anchovy + Ham + Basil + Eggplant + Shrimp + Corn + Chicken + Garlic + Sliced Tomato + Jalapeno + Avocado + Truffle + Fig + Zucchini + Artichoke
  • “I'm here with a friend who wants to try every ingredient
    But leave off the cheese; she's lactose intolerant.”
Tomato Sauce + (Cheese + Pepperoni + Sausage + Bacon + Ham) + (Mushroom + Olive + Onion + Bell Pepper + Pineapple + Basil + Eggplant + Corn + Garlic + Sliced Tomato + Jalapeno + Avocado + Truffle + Fig + Zucchini + Artichoke)
  • “I'm on a date with an interesting guy;
    He's on a vegan diet.
    But I'm also interested in your four pork pie,
    And I would like to try it.”

Team ZA Coach

[Sauce + Cheese + Pepperoni] x5
  • “Go Team ZA!”
    • “What is this? The minor leagues? Five pizzas with sauce, cheese and pepperoni.”

Traveler/Carmen Sandiego

Sauce + Cheese + Onion + Basil + Chicken
  • “I’ve got exotic tastes. Think you can make me a Thai chicken pizza?”
    • “Hmm, don't have all the ingredients huh? Just put chickens, onions and basil on a cheese pizza then.”
Sauce + Cheese + Olive + Onion + Bell Pepper + Basil
  • “Okay, how bout a classic Greek pizza? You’ve gotta make that, right?”
    • “Well... I imagine that would be a cheese pizza with olives, onions, peppers, and basil.”
Cheese + Onion + Bacon
  • “This may be a long stretch, but do you guys make flammkuchen pizzas?”
    • “It's a German pie like no other! Bacon and onions on cheese! No sauce!”
Olive + Onion + Anchovy
  • “I highly doubt you make pissaladiére, but major props if you do!”
    • “It’s a French pizza few people have heard about. Just olives, onions, and anchovies.”
[Sauce + Cheese + Pepperoni + Sausage + Bacon + Ham] [None]
  • “Hi, I'd like to have a chinese panfried pork pie.”
    • “Well, you can give me one pork pizza and one flatbread instead. Chinese stuffed all the meat inside the pie, so I will just cover all the meat with the bread.”
Sauce + Cheese + Onion + Anchovy + Shrimp
  • “I'll have a seafood Pajeon.”
    • “Pajeon is the Korean way of saying scallion pancake. If you do not have scallion, then onion should do the work, thanks.”


Sauce + Pepperoni + Bacon + Ham + Shrimp
  • “My favorite things to eat are... red. Think you can help me out?”
    • “That scarlet sauce, the crimson salami, the burgundy bacon, the rosy ham, the pink shrimp...”
Sauce + Cheese + (Mushroom) + (Bell Pepper)
  • “I'm on a new diet. Give me a mushroom-pepper pizza, but each gets their own half.”
    • “It's so hard to stay away from flesh, but it's for the best. Mushrooms on one side, bell peppers on the other.”
Tomato Sauce + Pepperoni + Bacon + Ham
  • “I must feast on a pizza fit for a Transylvanian count!”
    • “That scarlet sauce, the crimson salami, the burgundy bacon, the rosy ham...”
Sauce + Cheese + Basil + Corn + Garlic + Artichoke
  • “I don't usually do vegetables, but I'll give them a try. But no onions!”
    • “My cousins hate garlic, but I've always despised onions more! I'll take all the other veggies.”

Art Girl

Players can choose to make whatever they want for her order.

  • “Hey! Could I have a pizza with a smiley face on it?”
    • “Make a smiley face with the toppings!”
  • “Yo! Could you make a pizza with your favorite animal on it?”
    • “Make an animal with the toppings!”
  • “Sup! Could you make a pizza monster!”
    • “Make a monster with the toppings!”
  • “Oy! Could you make a pizza showing social and economic inequality and the widening disparity between the wealthy and the shrinking middle class.”
    • “Illustrate it with the toppings!”


Iris speaks only in ASL, so you will not see anything in her speech bubble. Tapping the "Hint" button will have her write down her order. Doing so, however, will make you miss out on an achievement.

TIP: To know what she wants without the hint, pay attention to her payment. If she pays 7 Pizza Funds, she wants a cheese pizza; 10 for a pepperoni pizza, and 11.60 for a pepperoni and mushroom pizza.

Sauce + Cheese
  • “...”
    • “...”
      • “1 cheese pizza”
Sauce + Cheese + Pepperoni
  • “...”
    • “...”
      • “1 pepperoni pizza”
Sauce + Cheese + Pepperoni + Mushroom
  • “...”
    • “...”
      • “pizza with mushroom, pepperoni”


Sauce + Cheese + (Sausage)
  • “I think I'll have a cheese pizza today, but throw some sausage on half of it. I'll save those slices for breakfast tomorrow.”
    • “One pizza with cheese and half sausage, please!”
Sauce + Cheese + Sausage + Onion
  • “I'll have a pizza with ground pork and that veggie with all the layers. What is it called? They break into rings when you slice them.”
    • “Oh, I want a pizza with sauce, cheese, sausage, and onion. My favorite!”
[Sauce + Cheese + Sausage + Onion] [Sauce + Cheese + Bell Pepper + Bacon]
  • “My son and I are having a movie night, but we'd like our own pizzas. Can I get sausage and onion for me and a bell pepper and bacon for him?”
    • “I'd like one pizza with sausage and onion and the other with bell pepper and bacon. You know what I mean!”

Seeds and Sauces

Pesto Twin

Pesto Sauce + Cheese
  • “Ooh! I knew I smelled something delicious! Can I get a pesto cheese pizza, please?”
    • “One pizza with pesto sauce and cheese, please!”

Pesto and Tomato Sauce Twins

Cheese + (Pesto Sauce + Pepperoni + Sausage + Bacon + Anchovy + Ham + Shrimp + Chicken) + (Tomato Sauce + Mushroom + Olive + Onion + Bell Pepper + Pineapple + Basil + Eggplant + Corn + Garlic + Sliced Tomato + Jalapeno + Avocado + Truffle + Fig + Zucchini + Artichoke)
  • “Hey, I'm sorry for everything these last few days. But... can you make us a pizza? Half pesto and meat, half tomato sauce and everything else?”
    • “We came up with a solution. Make one half of the pizza meats and pesto sauce. For the other one, put non-meat toppings on marinara.”


This section is for active in-game events. Past orders can be found in the Archive.


  • When thanking you, some customers may say that they would go searching for their pizzas if the pizzas were taken by a fire-breathing turtle. This is a reference to the plot of the 1985 Super Mario Bros. video game.
  • One of the orders which asks for Pumpkins talked about a pumpkin turning into a carriage, which is what happened in the fairy tale Cinderella.
  • One of the orders which asks for a mushroom pizza, where they say to not top it with animal, vegetable, and mineral references the 1880 Gilbert and Sullivan comic opera The Pirates of Penzance
  • Three orders reference the Nickelodeon cartoon SpongeBob SquarePants.
    • An order asking for a pineapple pizza asks for a topping, which "would make a great house for an underwater sponge." The cartoon's titular character lives in a pineapple under the sea.
      • Asking "What?" to this order will have the customer say the first lyric to the show's theme song.
    • Another order, asking for seafood toppings and pineapple, also references the first lyric of the show's theme song.
    • Another order asking for pizzas with smelly toppings is actually a quote said by Mr. Krabs in the very first episode (Help Wanted).
      • This order was formerly for an anchovy pizza and when you asked "What?", when this was still the case, the customer will complete the quote, screaming "ANCHOVIES!!!".
  • The seafood pizza order is a reference to the animated movie Finding Nemo.
  • One order from Little Ovenists Event (2024) has someone having a tea party with a space ranger toy and a cowboy toy which are best friends. This is a reference to characters in the movie Toy Story: Buzz Lightyear and Woody.
    • Asking "What?" to this order will have the customer say that they "love hearing their toy stories", likely another reference to the movie.
  • One of the orders which asks for a shrimp pizza, where they say "there's a million ways to cook it," is a reference to the movie Forrest Gump.