Good Pizza, Great Pizza Wiki

Pumpkin is a temporary fruit ingredient which is introduced in Pumpkin Pizza Palooza. It is the twenty-seventh topping in the game.


Pumpkin was introduced by Jack O'Lanter, who is told by Plant Lady that you need some pumpkins to sell as a pizza topping. It immediately becomes available for free but only for the duration of the Pumpkin Pizza Palooza event.[1] Once the event is over, you can no longer use it as a topping.

Pumpkin returned in Pumpkin Harvest (2024), again, as a temporary topping that can only be used during the duration of the event.[2]

Related Achievements[]

Image Achievement Description Reward
Oh My Gourd Oh My Gourd I Place pumpkin on 25 pizzas. Pizza Gem
Oh My Gourd Oh My Gourd II Place pumpkin on 50 pizzas. Pizza Gem
Oh My Gourd Oh My Gourd III Place pumpkin on 100 pizzas. Pizza Gem

