Winston the Reindeer was initially introduced in the 2023 Winter Festival event and appeared if Bell Pepper was unlocked. He makes another appearance in Winter Festival (2024).
Winston is a large reindeer with caramel fur. He also has beige colored fur around his eyes, on the outer parts of his ears, and on his tail. He has large brown antlers, rosy cheeks, a brown nose, and dark brown hooves. He wears a red collar with a golden bell around his neck and twinkling red-and-green Christmas string lights decorating his antlers.
As the newest recruit for the Sleigh Flyers, Winston had been training the entire year. He then came along with the other animals to Pizza City on the North Pole Express, happy that he could take a break.
Winston first visited your pizzeria ordering a bell pepper pizza, saying that it was his favorite fruit. In one of his orders, he said that a red-nosed reindeer gave him a bell pepper and ever since he has been in love with the topping. All his orders are bell pepper pizzas.
Related achievements[]
Image | Achievement | Description | Reward |
Oh Deer! I (hidden) |
Meet Winston the reindeer | 1 | |
Oh Deer! II (hidden) |
Reach max hearts with Winston | 2 |